I am from the north and sometimes can be a bit slow so bear with me. On the LX555, the hydraulic reservoir is the chain case case reservoir.....that is how they relate. Honestly guys, there are no other reservoirs. I have one on the left and one on the right. The dipstick only measures fluid on the left side. The only way to check the fluid level on the right is to remove the cover plate. But, assume the fluid level is low, I just don't see how it would affect propulsion on one side only. I know where the bucket is and what is considered the front of the machine but I can't find the turn signals!
This is an older 555 not a 565 so I guess it must be the chain case, it would be hard to miss a reservoir, they are among the largest components on the loader. No one is trying to acuse you of anything, but the last machine I seen without a hyd resercvoir was a 371 bobcat, they were a clutch drive and the hydrauic pump used the chaincase reservoir. Last made in 1977.
If they are using chain case oil, there must be a screen or inlet filter to keep chain and sprocket wear out of the hydro system. You should find where the sender is for the charge pressure warning light and install a 150 psi guage in there. or T it in. The charge pressure light should be off. If its on it would be good to check the actual pressure. No idea on the spec but 100 psi or so...
It is my understanding at times the wheels will not turn at all, does the motor lug down like it is working when this occures or does it just sound normal? It not a bad bearing or something that is binding up? Because the motor would labor in that situation. Will the machine turn the wheels if its up on blocks?.
Do you have anything else there with a hydraulic pump you could hook hoses to the wheel motor and put some pressurre to it to see if it will turn the wheels on the trouble side?
Any competant hydraulic repair shop should have a flow meter the could plump into you hydrostat for the bad side and see what flow and pressure the hydrostat is capable of.
Or could you make so hoses up to flip the motors to the opposite side of the hydrostatic pump without actuall removing the motors?
You need to find a way to narrow down where the problem is.
Also don't rule out asking independant equipment repair shops, locally they are my best bet, for my white equipment anyway. I have never been to my good Bobcat dealer, but they do provide great service on the phone and fax info when needed. So check around until you find one like that.