no down pressure

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Apr 21, 2007
hello; I'm new to this site and need some help and this looked like the best bet. A good friend of mine bought a 1990 model 753 bobcat with a john deere backhoe attatchment. seems to be a pretty good machine so far(6 months or so) today it lost down pressure on the bucket. hoe off,not to confuse anyone, bobcat bucket if set on the ground and rolled forward will lift the arms instead of lifting machine. any advice would be greatly apreciated. thank you , I don't want to be a dummy forever ;-)
Sounds like your float mode is stuck in. Check the left pedal, it may be stuck forward which will enable float mode that will let the arms *float* over the ground. Either that or when the arms are brought down to the ground the pedal is being pushed too far forward which will also enable float mode, you should hear and feel a click when its engaged.
Have a look and see if thats it.
Sounds like your float mode is stuck in. Check the left pedal, it may be stuck forward which will enable float mode that will let the arms *float* over the ground. Either that or when the arms are brought down to the ground the pedal is being pushed too far forward which will also enable float mode, you should hear and feel a click when its engaged.
Have a look and see if thats it.
I had about the same problem on my 853, but it was the bucket. It had all the power needed when rolling it back, but no down pressure at all. I had put a new hyd pump on it just before this happened.
I lucked out the first releif valve I took off the valve body had a very small peice of metal in it holding the valve open. 10 min. & zero money fixed it. So maybe the backhoe had something in it's hyd system and it worked it's way to the valve body of the Bobcat.