Just wondering how many of you in addition to running your own machine use one at work, or volunteered to help someone who may have rented a skid steer and got scared of the thing? I had this happen once, it was the only time I got to run a tracked machine (RC30) moving rocks and mulch around a yard. Yes someone 6'7" can fit in one of those things! At another time I had taken on extra work from a friend in the landscape business, when he needed time with his family I was paid to do the work that just HAD to be done on weekends. I used his loader and truck on a pretty regular basis. In this area the opportunity to run a skid steer no longer presents itself as there's plenty of them in use around here, but mostly rentals. Considering that I spend most of my time at a desk working with a loader actually seems like a nice change of pace. It's also fun to get to run a machine other than the trusty M610. I wish the opportunity presented itself more often, but that's probably a thing of the past since I no longer know anyone in the business. Wierd huh?