S175 question

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Jan 12, 2007
After much shopping, I have decided that the Bobcat S175 is the most likey choice for replacement. I looked into price and capabilities of the skid steer. The only question that I have, is it under powered? It seems to complete with other manufaturers in all areas except engine horsepower. Other machines are over 50hp going to about 70hp but are alot more expensive. My Bobcat dealer has a special on the S175, it is about 5k less than a S185. I'm worried that it will be under powered for digging and pushing snow. Can anyone give me their input... I'm upgrading from a smaller bobcat and dont want to feel that I should have got a bigger machine.Thanks
The larger machines run 70 odd HP engines the smaller ones run 45 or so. Don't be fooled by the small sounding engine size, they have this pretty well worked out.
The larger machines run 70 odd HP engines the smaller ones run 45 or so. Don't be fooled by the small sounding engine size, they have this pretty well worked out.
I have the same machine as a s175, back from 2000 when it was a 773g.
For 5 k, unless I was getting air conditioning with it, (which you can't get without the turbo) or I was working a high allitudes, I'd take the 175 hme, it will do everything the 185 will, and I know for myself the few times the extra 10hp would be needed wound not be worth it.
The most power the aux hydraulics can draw is 27, that leave 19 with for the wheels (worst case) the beauty of hydrostatic drive is you can always slow down for a second to conserve a few hp.
my $.02
Have bobcat put a turbo on the s-175 that will give you another 10 horse i just got a new 2007 s-160 that has the turbo and has 56 horse.
Have bobcat put a turbo on the s-175 that will give you another 10 horse i just got a new 2007 s-160 that has the turbo and has 56 horse.
Its not that simple, the head is different and I'm not sure what all else, obviously the turbo.
Its not that simple, the head is different and I'm not sure what all else, obviously the turbo.
You can't simply throw a turbo on, as goodtech pointed out when i mentioned it he said you can't put a turbo on an engine that is not built for it. They bend rods. Unless its a factory option, don't risk it. You don't need to buy a new engine if it blows up on you.
I thought the turbo option was only needed if you have AC? as the compressor draws a fair amount off the engine.
The S175/773 I think is the probally best sized wheeled skidsteer made , the size and power fit together nice , very smooth steering and controlls , it will do about anything you ask it , I think the way it goes is a 175 is a 773 46 hp no turbo , 185 is a 773 56 hp turbo ----- $5,000 for 10 horsepower is $500 per horse , I don't think it's worth it --if you want to make a more powerful upgrade go for the T -series , the T-190 is nice --what size machine are you upgrading from

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