You are more than welcome.
Now, the tilt cylinder, this is really quite easy and NO you do not need the service manual for this. Sorry, but this will be quite a long post, you have been warned

First, remove the cylinder from the lift amrs and the bobtach (not always an easy job). Remove the 2 hoses and mark and cap them! yo don't want it to work backwards (yes, i have done this before....)
Drain the cylinder of oil by pushing the chrome bar all the way in, then all the way back out. Mount the cylinder in a vice from the bottom so you can see the aloy gland nut where the chrome bar comes out of. You really should use a propper spanner to remove this gland nut, a pair of stillsons (not sure if you call them the same over there) or a large wrench will also work, but will mark the aloy but will not damage it.
When removed, pull the chrome bar up and out, this will have a piston attached to the bottom. Remove the outer of the cylinder from the vice. Put the chrome bar in the vice on the end where it joins to the bobtach. Be VERY carefull not to damage the chrome bar at ANY time. Remove the nut that holds the piston on to the chrome bar. Remove the piston from the bar and also remove the gland nut (aloy bit with 2 seals inside it).
Now, to remove the seals and O rings, you really need an O ring pick for this, first remove the outer O rings, there is one behind the shoulder at the end of the thread, then there will be 1 O ring and 1 backup ring on the part that sits inside the cylinder. Now for the inside ones.
There is a wiper seal and a pressure seal remove the wiper first, this is where the chrome bar comes out of, stick the O ring pick in and twist it out, do the same with the pressure seal, this one is a little harder as it is a fair way in, you are best to attach this one from the end where the nut enters the cylinder. Please be very carefull not to stab your hand doing this, the picks are really quite sharp!
When you remove the seals, take note of the direction they were installed. The pressure seal sits with *lips* facing the pressure side or the cylinder and the wiper sits with the lips facing outwards. Oil the seals up before installing them, don't be worried, but you will need to really flex the seals to get them in. Once they are both in, install the backup ring and the O ring, then install the O ring that sits behind the nut after the thread.
Oil the chrome bar up and the gland nut and carefully re-install it on to the chrome bar. There should be an O ring sitting where the piston was, remove this and replace it.
Now to re-seal the piston. Get a sharp knife and cut the pressure seal and remove it, then remove the energising ring (looks like an O ring), install the new energising ring. Use a hair drier to warm up the pressure seal, installing this ring is really quite hard...... when its warm, pull at it to stretch it a little, then you have to try and get it on with an O ring pick or small screw driver. When it is on, it will slowly shrink back, you can use a cable tie to help it shrink. Oil the O ring on the chrome bar and install the piston, tighten the nut.
Oil the piston up and the bore of the cylinder then carefully push the piston into the cylinder, it will be quite tight, but take it slow, as you need to get the piston seal to close up and if you force it too hard it can get pinched and shear it in half. But it will need a bit of force to do. once in, oil the O rings on the gland nut then screw it in and tighten up. Make sure you have the O ring then backup ring in that order, NOT backup then O ring.
If anything is un-clear e-mail me tazza_ at with the at being @ of course

I can scan in pictures of all of this if required, it really is easier than it seems. Its a good thing to learn, as once you have done one, you can do ALL the rams on your SSL.
The only tricky part is the pressure and wiper seal orientations. NEVER replace wiper/pressure seals and not the piston seal, never do half a job, you will regret it. This should prevent your tilt cylinder falling under its own weight as most do (mine does) i need to get time to do it, i am currently repairing 2 lift cylinders that broke the chrome bar. I need to finish making 2 new pistons and 2 new gland nuts (almost finished).
Again, sorry for the long post, but it should help anyone that wants to re-seal any hydraulic cylinder.
Sorry for the many spelling mistakes too