Hydraulic Oil

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Nov 22, 2005
Does anyone know the equivalent hydraulic oil for John Deere Hy-gard? I don't really want to go to the dealership for fluids. Thanks!
Most oil called "hydraulic transmission" should be equivelent. I asked Shell canada at www.shellhelps.com and this is their reply Good Day,
Thank you for contacting Shell Canada. In response to your inquiry, the equivalent Shell product is Donax TD. Suggest to application verification. Donax TD is approved John Deere JD20C. Regards,
Tara Anderson Customer Service Representative Shell Canada Products -----
Original Message----- From: ken kreger [mailto:kenkreger at yahoo.com] Sent: March 21, 2006 2:59 PM To: SCAN Questions, SCAN-- Subject: What Shell oil is eqvilent to John deeres Hy-Gard?
Most oil called "hydraulic transmission" should be equivelent. I asked Shell canada at www.shellhelps.com and this is their reply Good Day,
Thank you for contacting Shell Canada. In response to your inquiry, the equivalent Shell product is Donax TD. Suggest to application verification. Donax TD is approved John Deere JD20C. Regards,
Tara Anderson Customer Service Representative Shell Canada Products -----
Original Message----- From: ken kreger [mailto:kenkreger at yahoo.com] Sent: March 21, 2006 2:59 PM To: SCAN Questions, SCAN-- Subject: What Shell oil is eqvilent to John deeres Hy-Gard?