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hawg wild

May 8, 2006
I was on the bobocat website a little while ago and noticed their flail mower. it is rated for material up to three inches just like the brushcat. I am looking for an brush clearing attachment that will mulch the material being cut, stand up to a lot of abuse (heavy brush and rocks) and be fairly easy and inexpensive to maintain. (hope i'm not asking to much) anyone ever used bobcats flail? What were your thoughts? how does the performance and speed (acres per hour) compare to the brushcat?
The Bobcat attachments are for grass and light brush only. Sounds like you need a Tushogg or FAE which require hi-flow and a door on the cab. Rotary cutters blow mulchers away as far as speed but tend to leave shreds instead of chips. Rocks will detroy any attachment over time or at least keep you changing blades and teeth on a regular basis.
The Bobcat attachments are for grass and light brush only. Sounds like you need a Tushogg or FAE which require hi-flow and a door on the cab. Rotary cutters blow mulchers away as far as speed but tend to leave shreds instead of chips. Rocks will detroy any attachment over time or at least keep you changing blades and teeth on a regular basis.
Stumped it right, however, brushcat is more forgiving than a flail in rock. Loftness orchard shredder didn't hold up well on rocks in my area and the seppi style bobcat flail is of a similar design. I use a brushcat in rock and have owned two over last 6 years (bought original design). Blades are relatively inexpensive, thick, and will hold up to some lighter rocks without too much knicking...however, don't buy into the "hydraulic cushioning" that Bobcat promotes. You are better off not hitting anything big but with a stump jumper and heavy, bi-directional blades, you will have more tolerance for rocks and debris than a lightly built flail. Brushcat is best at at least 20 gpm...from experience.