Before you give up and get the "red wrench" out, perhaps you might try carburetor cleaner, the cheapest you can find. I deal a lot with military trucks and old antique machinery that has been setting up, weathered, etc. and I have found this to be the best solution. Soak the pin, etc. with the cleaner and, as mentioned by others, try to tap/drive the pin back in. Vibration with a hammer/drift is VERY important as it of course allows the carb cleaner to penetrate deeper. You will have to work quickly as the carb cleaner will evaporate fast. But, with repeated attempts it should come on out. Keyword is "should" ! LOL. The carb cleaner WILL turn the rust to liquid almost immediately and I have freed up parts on old machinery that has been sitting outside for years. If this doesn't work, there is one more solution. Go to your local GM dealer, parts dept. and ask for GM penetrating oil. Comes in a spray can and I am told, that it is referred to as the "penetrating oil from Heaven". I've never used it, but some GM mechanics swear that it out performs anything including Kroil, that is on the market. It is alledged that it will free up anything, no matter how rusted/frozen. I have the part# filed away somewhere in this computer, so if you need it, let me know. Just my .02. Thanks, John