I know we have touched on this subject before, but i have noitced when i snoop on E-Bay, that all the Bobcats that are sold in the USA seem to only have standard dirt buckets, some with teeth some with out. How do you manage on your jobsites picking up say rocks and dirt without the use of a 4 in 1 Bucket? i know that experience and skill would have a major impact on how you can do your jobs with certian gear. I live in Australia and i couldn't live without my 4 in 1 bucket, i find its so much easier to pick up rocks and soil. We don't have problems with having to clear snow (well not in Queensland). I would be lost without my trusty 4 in 1. All the Bobcats that i have seen in Australia have 4 in 1's, even the Toyota and Case skid steers. I would be interested in other operators views on this.