undercarrage hours

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New member
Feb 13, 2020
Hello guys! Im new to this forum, and a newbie on a ctl. I bought a used jd 323E several months ago. It had 1009 hours on it when I bought it. I've put about 150 hours on it since. I've not had any problems with it, however, I'm trying to plan down the road. It had minimal wear on the tracks when I bought it, and the tread was 7/8' deep. I know how a ctl is used and on what type of surface drastically affects track life, however, I need to know what is the average number of hours that I can reasonably expect to replace the tracks, rollers, idler's and sprockets. I stay off concrete, asphalt, and any type of aggregates, concrete blocks, and bricks, and any boards with nails in them. However, I do operate it in sand from time to time. But, mostly in South Georgia dirt. Any info or advice would be most appreciated! Thanks in advance, Dan


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2011
No experience with JD machines only bobcat ctl's. As far as the tracks go, they arent like tires, tread depth means very little. Where tracks wear out is from the under-side where the sprocket drives the center of the track. The holes in the center will start to tear out and the rubber will split beyond the steel "chain" embedded within the rubber. The track will eventually split from and weaken past the chain. Depending how well they are treated will dictate how long they last. Ours seem to last around 1500 hrs with heavy use in the excavating business. We have never had any of the "smaller" roller wheels go bad on a Bobcat. Even on our longest held track machine, which was over 10 years/ 4,500 hrs. But occasionally a front or rear roller wheel would have the bearing go bad which means a new rolller. But at that point, the roller should have been replaced anyway. Its pretty amazing how much smaller the front or rear steel roller gets due to everyday use compared to a new one. The dirt really grinds away the steel over time. Good luck with your machine.

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