I don't know when they will be available to the public and I don't know if they even know when , they are not sure what the actual model numbers will be , the factory reps used the terms 320/330 but the machines were camofloged with T 300 decals as I'd guess the decal kits are not even made yet , pretty cool they we sleepers , beefed up T300's wearing stock badges , as far as the big machines go these machines should have been out for the Katrina Hurricane clean up as they would have been perfect for that as they should handle a 96 inch grapple bucket with no problem , the clean up is still going on and probally will be for another couple of years so I'd think that is way them demo'ed them here , I do know they said the suspension system would add another $5,000 to the cost , which is alot for a better ride , but it is a better ride no doubt , would have to think that it will increase the life of the rollers being the bottom rollers flex up and down with ground contact which should releave some stress on them ,increasing the life of the rollers could result in some good savings as they are pretty outragous on the prices of them , the cost of the horse power increase I am not sure how much that is going to be , but it can be felt as it is a beast , ----talking about the electronics in dirt equipment issue it would probally cut off many thousand of dollars to strip out the gizmos and make it simple , but I don't think that will ever happen , as it seems they are heading in the direction of the customer won't be able to do all the work on their machines and will have to take it in for service as software updates and trouble shooting is done with a lap top and software that is not sold to customers , even if it was it's cost would probally not be fesiable to someone with 1 or even 10 machines , and there is more money in the parts than selling the machines , just today I had time driving to call about the rear idler roller of a T-250 which list for $700 , the new one I installed the other day had a Berco number on it , so I called sources all over the country and found out the cost of it is actually $65 , but couldn't buy as it is disignated OEM at this time , doing research to find what other machines may uses this same roller , $635 mark up from manufacturer to end user is crazy