T 300/250

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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2007
I have been putting more oil than needed in the T3's engines for a while now , and by accident found out , asked the dealer for a set of filters and 14 quarts of oil , and they told me it only takes 12 now , I asked how did it go down , they said cause the dip stick has been changed because too much oil in the pan was not letting the crank turn freely and causing a running hot problem , so I put in 12 quarts and it was about 3/4 of and inch from the full mark , I marked the new spot with a hack saw , took measurements and from the bottom of the rubber on the dip stick to the old full mark is 5 1/2 inches , and the new mark is 6 1/4 , went back to the dealer and measured the new dip stick and it comes out exactly the same , there are a lot of machines out there running too much oil , what gets me is Bobcat should send out lettters to the owners of machines and give them a new dip stick , all you have to do is remark your old stick , the new stick isn't really expensive $12.00 part number 6690692
fishfiles, nothing to do with the oil thing but how long have you had your 300. the reason i ask is i have a s220 but im looking at a job where i'll have to spread about 1000 yds of select fill a day for 5/6 days. two ride on sheep foot rollers are taking care of the compaction but i have to stay ahead of them . i have two 30 ton off road dumps bringing the fill into the holes as i need it . i 'm not sure the 220 can stay ahead without working myself to death, in your opinion will a 300 handle the job.. i'd go with a 5 yd wheel loader but it's been 10 yrs since i did any real work with one, and i can just get into a 300 bobcat and go to work without lost time while i relearn a machine.
fishfiles, nothing to do with the oil thing but how long have you had your 300. the reason i ask is i have a s220 but im looking at a job where i'll have to spread about 1000 yds of select fill a day for 5/6 days. two ride on sheep foot rollers are taking care of the compaction but i have to stay ahead of them . i have two 30 ton off road dumps bringing the fill into the holes as i need it . i 'm not sure the 220 can stay ahead without working myself to death, in your opinion will a 300 handle the job.. i'd go with a 5 yd wheel loader but it's been 10 yrs since i did any real work with one, and i can just get into a 300 bobcat and go to work without lost time while i relearn a machine.
A T-300 will out work any rubber tired skidsteer, heck I've even seen with my own eyes a 300 out work a D-4 bulldozer just in sheer bucket to blade capacity and pushing speed.
fishfiles, nothing to do with the oil thing but how long have you had your 300. the reason i ask is i have a s220 but im looking at a job where i'll have to spread about 1000 yds of select fill a day for 5/6 days. two ride on sheep foot rollers are taking care of the compaction but i have to stay ahead of them . i have two 30 ton off road dumps bringing the fill into the holes as i need it . i 'm not sure the 220 can stay ahead without working myself to death, in your opinion will a 300 handle the job.. i'd go with a 5 yd wheel loader but it's been 10 yrs since i did any real work with one, and i can just get into a 300 bobcat and go to work without lost time while i relearn a machine.
I'd say no problem , a T-300 will flaten a tri axle (18 yard) truck load in a matter of minutes , since you already have a wheeled machine why not just get some tracks for it , if you have never ran tracks on top the tires you would not believe the difference the tracks will make , if your worried about flat tires then foam fill the tires , good luck what ever you decide to do
I'd say no problem , a T-300 will flaten a tri axle (18 yard) truck load in a matter of minutes , since you already have a wheeled machine why not just get some tracks for it , if you have never ran tracks on top the tires you would not believe the difference the tracks will make , if your worried about flat tires then foam fill the tires , good luck what ever you decide to do
i have run tracks over tires before so i know how they work, i was thinking the extra weight ,hp, and width of the 300 would make this job easier. moving 1000 yds of dirt a day for 5 days in a row is not a normal thing for me kind of a one time deal. rental of a 300 can be covered in the bid, but on the other hand i might be able to get the over tire tracks out of the job just as easy.
i have run tracks over tires before so i know how they work, i was thinking the extra weight ,hp, and width of the 300 would make this job easier. moving 1000 yds of dirt a day for 5 days in a row is not a normal thing for me kind of a one time deal. rental of a 300 can be covered in the bid, but on the other hand i might be able to get the over tire tracks out of the job just as easy.
Go with the T-300, there is more pushing power and you never know, you might not wanna give it back!
Why not just go with a T320???
No big difference size wize between the 300/320, just extra counter weight in the rear and more horses, that is the same trick Bobcat pulled when the 250/300 SSL models came out. Get your butts in gear Bobcat, make us a small CTL with the S100 frame would ya!!