Ripping out a Driveway

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Jan 12, 2007
I'm ripping out an asphalt driveway, and was wondering what is the easiest way to get the bucket to bite? I dont want to come in from the side due to a nice lawn. I was thinking about starting it by hand then trying to get the cutting edge under the pavement? any good advice?
If it was me, i'd use a diamond saw and cut a strip out so you could get the bucket under. If you do 2 cuts say 1' apart then remove that section you should have enough to get the bucket under. It should make the job easier as it should just peel up using crow bars.
If it was me, i'd use a diamond saw and cut a strip out so you could get the bucket under. If you do 2 cuts say 1' apart then remove that section you should have enough to get the bucket under. It should make the job easier as it should just peel up using crow bars.
once you get a place to bite dont use too much angle and it will slide right in the bucket with the right angle the sub grade wont get too ripped up ....Jeff
i have bolt on teeth on my bucket, when i do asphalt removal i look for a weak spot on the ashpalt (large crack, or thin spot) then i slam the teeth right down into the ashpalt a few times and it starts to make a hole and that would be a good starting point, after that it should just peel right up if you can get under it with your bucket. or you could do it by hand, but that takes too much time.