Recommended buckets for 331?

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
I am looking at purchasing a used 1998 331 excavator. It currently has a 24" bucket and a thumb. I was wondering what are the recommended sizes for this size machine. Mostly looking at how big of a grading bucket I can utilize on it.
I guess it depends on if it is a pin-on bucket or not ? Looks like they have a 39" grading bucket available
I have 13",24", and 36"digging buckets for my 331E. I have other people operate my machine but when it comes to using the 36" bucket I have a rule. I am the only one that operates it with that bucket. They say it is rated for the machine. I think it is a bit heavy. I am glad I bought it though. Makes those contract jobs that much faster.
I have 13",24", and 36"digging buckets for my 331E. I have other people operate my machine but when it comes to using the 36" bucket I have a rule. I am the only one that operates it with that bucket. They say it is rated for the machine. I think it is a bit heavy. I am glad I bought it though. Makes those contract jobs that much faster.
Like with all compact equipment, you really need to be a smooth operator and know your machines limits to take full advantage of its capabilities. Seeing that your 331E has an extendable boom makes a big difference when running a larger capacity bucket or lifting a heavy item. I'm sure the added weight from the extension boom and hydraulics take a little bit extra off the lift capacity compared to a standard 331. Have you thought of adding some counter weights to help when using a 36" bucket?

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