Pumps and motors, what drives what

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Well-known member
May 13, 2008
After reading all the posts concerning the hydralic/hydrostactic system problems, I started searching the net for schematics for my machine. I have a Gehl 5635 with eaton pumps and Poclain motors. What I found was pretty cool. Eaton's site was full of info including pics. On some you can download installation instructions along with schematics. Further down the page are down loads for testing procedures and pressure specs. The Gehl numbers don't mean anything on the site but maybe the stamp # on the actual part would relate.
The Poclain site had a animation page that shows visually what happens when your radial piston motor is functioning. Simple enough to show theory and supporting cicuits. I can move a lever icon and reverse the flow ( the machine icons wheels go backward) or or switch from low speed to high and see how the motor functions in that mode. This seems like a good visual aid for troubleshooting. Some animations were made with a sense of humor so if you don't get some info, you will at least get a laugh. scott