Oil Analysis

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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2007
I come from an industrial background (Chemical) with a ton of rotating equipment and we took oil samples religiously and had them anaylzed to determine what metals and other contaminants were present. This data was used to help track wear, follow up oil changes and potential maintenance. Commomly known as Preventative Maintenance, or PM.
I read a lot of post here on problems related in one way or another to the oils in the systems, usually the hydraulic or chain case. I hear about plugged filters and changing cartridge filters a lot, and plugged or cleaning bronze filters, etc. Metal particles are mentioned too.
I was wondering if oil analysis is common, or ever done in the skid steer industry, most likley by the dealers. Sounds like this could be a good thing here. There is a wealth of information about the machine's condition in the data.
Cat calls it SOS I'm reasonably sure most manufactures would provide this service at a cost don't know if anybody does it, we do at work for the first 2 or 3 changes cause Cat gives them Free when you spend 100,000 or so just my 2c..........Jeff
Cat calls it SOS I'm reasonably sure most manufactures would provide this service at a cost don't know if anybody does it, we do at work for the first 2 or 3 changes cause Cat gives them Free when you spend 100,000 or so just my 2c..........Jeff
I had it done a couple times on my F-250 when I still owned it. There is a large oil distributor here that I can by the "kit" from for $15. The kit includes the plastic container to catch the sample, the mailing label, and the analysis cost. All you do is sample the oil and pay for postage. I received the results via emial and a phone call from the technician to review the results. I think that particular kit went to SHELL for analysis. I agree there is a wealth of info in the oil analysis, especially for machines used day in and day out.
I had it done a couple times on my F-250 when I still owned it. There is a large oil distributor here that I can by the "kit" from for $15. The kit includes the plastic container to catch the sample, the mailing label, and the analysis cost. All you do is sample the oil and pay for postage. I received the results via emial and a phone call from the technician to review the results. I think that particular kit went to SHELL for analysis. I agree there is a wealth of info in the oil analysis, especially for machines used day in and day out.
Furthermore, the Fumoto valve made oil samples and changes very easy!
I had it done a couple times on my F-250 when I still owned it. There is a large oil distributor here that I can by the "kit" from for $15. The kit includes the plastic container to catch the sample, the mailing label, and the analysis cost. All you do is sample the oil and pay for postage. I received the results via emial and a phone call from the technician to review the results. I think that particular kit went to SHELL for analysis. I agree there is a wealth of info in the oil analysis, especially for machines used day in and day out.
I have a friend with a small business providing engineering consulting, vibration analysis, and oil sampling to the local industries. He buys the "kits" 100 at a time and pays $18/kit, which includes the double container, labels, packaging, postage, analysis, report, and support help. I've seen the reports and they are very detailed.
I have a friend with a small business providing engineering consulting, vibration analysis, and oil sampling to the local industries. He buys the "kits" 100 at a time and pays $18/kit, which includes the double container, labels, packaging, postage, analysis, report, and support help. I've seen the reports and they are very detailed.
Idoitall, any chance I can get my hands on a few of the test kits?, a contact will work.
