light blinks

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Jan 12, 2008
hi. i was wondering if anybody can help . i have a 90? l 1300 skid loader made by prime mover. a co that went out of business. my problem is a lightning volt light that blinks . i start the machine and the light goes out but after it runs for about 20 seconds it starts to blink. i replaced the alternator and the battery is good . can anyone tell me what else this could be or how to test to make sure all is working OK. if i have a battery charger on the battery and i start the machine the light will stay on solid. any advice would be appreciated thanks .
I worked on Prime Movers about 3 times total and don't really know alot about them , but would guess from your post that the alternator is not putting out , as when you have the charger hooked up you get different results , and I would guess that if the light is light that it is charging , no light it's not , you could verify by hooking a meter to the battery and note the voltage with the engine running , you should see over 13 but under 14.75 volts , if not check the fan belt tension, and electrical connections for tightness and cleanliness , that unit is pretty old and may have a voltage regulator thats external and not internal , some alternators are protected by a fuse and if blown it won't charge , doubt that machine had a fuse , also if it has a voltmeter and it is bad it will stop it from charging on some machines depending n the wiring , it's not much but some thoughts
I worked on Prime Movers about 3 times total and don't really know alot about them , but would guess from your post that the alternator is not putting out , as when you have the charger hooked up you get different results , and I would guess that if the light is light that it is charging , no light it's not , you could verify by hooking a meter to the battery and note the voltage with the engine running , you should see over 13 but under 14.75 volts , if not check the fan belt tension, and electrical connections for tightness and cleanliness , that unit is pretty old and may have a voltage regulator thats external and not internal , some alternators are protected by a fuse and if blown it won't charge , doubt that machine had a fuse , also if it has a voltmeter and it is bad it will stop it from charging on some machines depending n the wiring , it's not much but some thoughts
hi just wanted to give a update. after replacing the alternator i found out that these things have a external voltage regulator. so i put a new one in . after running the machine a few seconds the light started to blink again. after replacing everything on the charging system it didn't fix my problem. when i start the loader it gives me a good reading at 14 volts but as soon as it heats up it stops charging and the light comes on . any suggestions would be appreciated. thanks
hi just wanted to give a update. after replacing the alternator i found out that these things have a external voltage regulator. so i put a new one in . after running the machine a few seconds the light started to blink again. after replacing everything on the charging system it didn't fix my problem. when i start the loader it gives me a good reading at 14 volts but as soon as it heats up it stops charging and the light comes on . any suggestions would be appreciated. thanks
If you have a short somewhere and any curcit breaker type fuses. that may be tripping when it gets hot and resetting itself when it cools. Just a guess. I dont know the machine. Mike
hi just wanted to give a update. after replacing the alternator i found out that these things have a external voltage regulator. so i put a new one in . after running the machine a few seconds the light started to blink again. after replacing everything on the charging system it didn't fix my problem. when i start the loader it gives me a good reading at 14 volts but as soon as it heats up it stops charging and the light comes on . any suggestions would be appreciated. thanks
!st off there is nothing major to go wrong with the charging systems, you have worked on the most expensive parts already. It does sound like you have a loose conection, bad breaker, broken wire, etc, somethiing along that lines. What alternator do they use?
!st off there is nothing major to go wrong with the charging systems, you have worked on the most expensive parts already. It does sound like you have a loose conection, bad breaker, broken wire, etc, somethiing along that lines. What alternator do they use?
That Prime Mover would have been a good canidate for a single wire alternator with a built in voltage regulator conversion , may be a bad , New voltage regulator