Left foot pedal bleeding pressure off

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Team Craig

Active member
Jan 9, 2006
I have noticed when operating the left foot control if you just slightly go into the up position the arms actually start dropping down instead of going up??? Not sure why it's bleeding pressure off? Is something out of adjustment or worn? Was wondering if there was a simple fix or if it would be a costly repair and I should just not worry about it? Thanks Guys...
you could check the linkage, kinda sounds like a spool seal in the control block does everything else work good? not worrying about it is up to you it might not get worse or it may get bad hard telling good luck.....Jeff
you could check the linkage, kinda sounds like a spool seal in the control block does everything else work good? not worrying about it is up to you it might not get worse or it may get bad hard telling good luck.....Jeff
Yeah everything seems ok other than I think the sticks could use new bushings and blocks. Sometimes it is very very jumpy and it sounds like it could be a result of worn bushings and blocks. It's a 773 with 2000 hours on it.
The "load check" valve for the lift spool in the main valve section in not sealing properly. This may just be a matter of removing the load check plug and installing a new poppet and spring.
Or the seet that the poppet seals against may need to be re surfaced, which requires removeing the main valve body. The procedure itself is simple and most hyd shops could perform it for you. But quite a bit of labour.
The "load check" valve for the lift spool in the main valve section in not sealing properly. This may just be a matter of removing the load check plug and installing a new poppet and spring.
Or the seet that the poppet seals against may need to be re surfaced, which requires removeing the main valve body. The procedure itself is simple and most hyd shops could perform it for you. But quite a bit of labour.
Thanks Skidsteer.ca now the question is where load chk plug for the lift spool?
The bobcat manual would show it.
Is it a 773G, I have that manual, could scan it for you
It's funny you ask if it's a G model Ken as I just tried calling the dealer who sold the unit originally. They said they could not find the account so I am going to get the vin for the dealer to help me figure out which model it is. Ken when I find out I will let you know and thanks for the help...
It's funny you ask if it's a G model Ken as I just tried calling the dealer who sold the unit originally. They said they could not find the account so I am going to get the vin for the dealer to help me figure out which model it is. Ken when I find out I will let you know and thanks for the help...
G models have triangle shaped head lites
C and F models have retangular lites.
There may be differences within letters series that the vin breakdown would tell the dealer
G models have triangle shaped head lites
C and F models have retangular lites.
There may be differences within letters series that the vin breakdown would tell the dealer
Ok I looked at the serial # and just under the vin it say "C" model and it does have the retangular lites also. I thought the 99's went to the triangled lights and anything before 99 had the retangluar lights??? Thanks for any help on this load check valve deal. I am always eager to learn and I'm glad I came accross this site as you guys are always a big help in teaching... Craig
Ok I looked at the serial # and just under the vin it say "C" model and it does have the retangular lites also. I thought the 99's went to the triangled lights and anything before 99 had the retangluar lights??? Thanks for any help on this load check valve deal. I am always eager to learn and I'm glad I came accross this site as you guys are always a big help in teaching... Craig
It's sometime around 99, had heard late 98 to but not certain
At any rate I don't have the manual for that one, although the valve could be the same