Goodyear tracks for skidsteers

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Mar 5, 2004
Has anyone tried Goodyear's tracks for skidsteers?
They look like they would offer more floatation than the steel or loegering tracks that I have seen through Bobcat or Grouser Products ( They also look as if they would do less damage than steel tracks to turf, but still offer good traction in dirt or mud. I priced a set through my local Goodyear dealer and they were nearly double the price of steel tracks because you need special tools for the installation and special sized wheels for the track to ride over. The Goodyears priced out about $6000 including frieght, installation tools, and new tires and wheels. Grouser Products were about $3300 including frieght, no special tools or tires needed.
Any input for people with experience with any over the tire tracks would be appreciated.
I haven't used any over the tire track systems, but have watched 863s with and without them. For one, the 863 with steel tracks really had a tough time cutting through some relatively packed dirt. (The operator even managed to stall the engine, which, for a careful operator, isn't easy on a 863.) Later, I was watching another 863 work -- without tracks -- and it had a lot easier of a time pushing through tough material. I'm not sure about the stability or flotation issue -- but good luck. Xing
I haven't used any over the tire track systems, but have watched 863s with and without them. For one, the 863 with steel tracks really had a tough time cutting through some relatively packed dirt. (The operator even managed to stall the engine, which, for a careful operator, isn't easy on a 863.) Later, I was watching another 863 work -- without tracks -- and it had a lot easier of a time pushing through tough material. I'm not sure about the stability or flotation issue -- but good luck. Xing
I agree with your response. I have an older model 863 turbo series F. Very tough to stall it our when pulling and pushing. I have stuck my unit twice is the years I have had it and that was due to me driving into a stump hole I did not see after days of rain. My own fault. I am wondering if anyone has ever mounted a large winch to the front of a bobcat to pull yourself out of problems. Maybe a 10,000 pound capicity?