Ct322 starts then dies

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Rod D

Nov 21, 2023
Ct322 starts, runs for a second and dies. No code. Just says locked. On 1&2. Any advice?
thanks but it's all been checked. I'm told this happened to the machine a couple years ago. Has to be fixed though the control panel but the dealer ship has no clue. A guy from the huterite colony fixed it. Just walked the owner through it on the phone. Unfortunately previous owner cannot remember what to do and I can't find Amos
I went through this with my CT322. If it is not a safety sensor or a bad control panel, then there is a lock code that will disable the machine. If the previous owner did not change the code you can try these. Mine were changed and the dealer had to replace the control panel.

Default unlock codes-3 tries then need to turn key off/on to start again

000 , 998 or 999

00000, 00998, 00999
The code cleared but not it won't even try to start. No solenoid sound or anything.
Do you have power to the display when you turn the machine on now?
If so do you have power at the starter.
I have had the starter's drive gear "stick" in the flywheel. Bound up by misalignment or due to a bad bearing.
If you have power and can get at the starter bolts easily loosen them tap it lightly with a hammer then snug them back up and see what happens. Often if it is stuck when you loosen the bolts you will hear the drive gear retract, which will let you know it was stuck.