burning oil

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Nov 5, 2005
I am just about to buy a 2000 773G with 2700 hr. I had the machine on my job site for couple days already,it is running great a lot of power but my only conern is the I can smell some oil it smells like burned oil and the machine has no leaks . I am thinking maybe the motor is burning oil itself. How can I tell if it is. No noticable blue -white smoke. any info please. thanks
There are much more qualified folks on this forum than me. However, I have a few hours experience with a 751C, 1995, 1300 hrs. When I really tie into a pile of dirt and try to overfill the bucket, the engine loads down and I get a whiff of what smells like hot oil for a second or two. I assume this is because the hydraulic pump is just working as hard as it can and gets hot rather quickly. Never persists, and only happens when I load the engine down severely. Yes, the hydraulic oil reservoir is full and I just changed all the filters (including the small ones in the aluminum housings) 100 hrs ago. Hope this helps. ---Bob
There are much more qualified folks on this forum than me. However, I have a few hours experience with a 751C, 1995, 1300 hrs. When I really tie into a pile of dirt and try to overfill the bucket, the engine loads down and I get a whiff of what smells like hot oil for a second or two. I assume this is because the hydraulic pump is just working as hard as it can and gets hot rather quickly. Never persists, and only happens when I load the engine down severely. Yes, the hydraulic oil reservoir is full and I just changed all the filters (including the small ones in the aluminum housings) 100 hrs ago. Hope this helps. ---Bob
Well, if you think it is burning oil, check the oil level and top up if needed and run it for a few hrs and re-check.

As it is a diesel engine it is really hard to tell if it is a true oil smell, as diesel its self is an oil.

Diesel exhaust does change odor while under load compared with when it is just idling or doing light work that isn't loading the engine down.
Well, if you think it is burning oil, check the oil level and top up if needed and run it for a few hrs and re-check.

As it is a diesel engine it is really hard to tell if it is a true oil smell, as diesel its self is an oil.

Diesel exhaust does change odor while under load compared with when it is just idling or doing light work that isn't loading the engine down.
If it has a Turbo on it check that out first. Take the intake hose off and see if the impeller has any play in it. If not, check the inside of the muffler to see if there is any fresh oil in it. If so it could be from past or present internal engine problems ie turbo, valves, rings
First thing I would do is to check the turbo, even though I haven't seen the turbos on the kubotas go bad yet. The next thing that I would do is pull the injectors and run a compression test on it. What I have found in these little kubota engines is that someone usually takes and puts the machine on there side and or back and they stop running it then start it up usually bending a rod. The engine will still run pretty good but they usually have a nice little white smoke cloud behind them. If that is not the case, How well was this unit cared for where oil changes done every 250 hrs? these little kubotas when cared for usually go for 5000+ hrs, if you don't care for them, like one I have in my shop they will go 1300 hrs and die.