Box Blade with the laser attachments

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Nov 29, 2006
Im looking for feedback from someone that has one of these units. our company is looking at purchasing one of these for our car park and building preps, My biggest concern was that we would mostly use the box blade on metal and the metal would be to harsh on it! also using on angle or slopes, how good are these really?
Hi, I have used one of these ,they are great the cutting edge is reversable and there is also adjustable edges either side so you get quite a good service life from them.They are built quite tuff as well.The only draw back is that they will do a single grade at a time. Bobcat sells a grader attachment which is also laser controlled which will do a duel grade,Well worth the investment.
Hi, I have used one of these ,they are great the cutting edge is reversable and there is also adjustable edges either side so you get quite a good service life from them.They are built quite tuff as well.The only draw back is that they will do a single grade at a time. Bobcat sells a grader attachment which is also laser controlled which will do a duel grade,Well worth the investment.
thanks for the feed back it has been most appreciated