bobcat T-250 = to ?

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Mar 9, 2007
I rented a T-250 and love it. Looking for a good deal i've run across other brands but not sure what is equal to the t-250. I can only go by the spec. Here is what I think so please tell me if im close bobcat T-250 is = to cat 277b Takeuchi TL140 New Holland C185 Deer 332 Next question which one is the best an which on should i buy
Have you considered ASV? Maka
I'd say that your comparisons are in the same general category in terms of operating capacity. The T250 is in between the Deere 322 and 332. The 332 is actually substantially more machine than even the T300. I personally am a believer in the Deere machines and feel it has numerous advantages over the others. The best thing you can do is demo the ones you're considering. If you're a serious buyer, most dealers should be willing to let you have one for a few hours. Then you can see for yourself. Just my 2 cents.

I'd say that your comparisons are in the same general category in terms of operating capacity. The T250 is in between the Deere 322 and 332. The 332 is actually substantially more machine than even the T300. I personally am a believer in the Deere machines and feel it has numerous advantages over the others. The best thing you can do is demo the ones you're considering. If you're a serious buyer, most dealers should be willing to let you have one for a few hours. Then you can see for yourself. Just my 2 cents.

if you have a gehl dealer in your area, try the 5640e turbo. It is rated at 2500 with the counter weight. It will lift more and is definetely stonger.