Bobcat 853 movement and hydraulics go extremely weak, seemingly at random

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I wouldn't put it past myself, but thankfully this time I didn't screw up that bad!

After changing all hydraulic filters and removing obstructions, the issue persisted. Finally found that the drive belt was loose and tightening it up solved all of my power issues. Probably should've checked that first. Thank you everybody for the wealth of knowledge!
Are you talking about the drive belt for the hydraulic pump on the right side of the engine compartment? I've replaced the alternator belt on the left side which also powers the fan, and it was hard to get the metric belt, but installation wasn't that bad... Was that drive belt hard to replace? Does it have a tensioner that needed to be replaced too?
Are you talking about the drive belt for the hydraulic pump on the right side of the engine compartment? I've replaced the alternator belt on the left side which also powers the fan, and it was hard to get the metric belt, but installation wasn't that bad... Was that drive belt hard to replace? Does it have a tensioner that needed to be replaced too?
I actually left the old belt in there but it did not seem too hard to remove. Yes, this was the belt on the right side, it was really tight in there especially with the rusted up bolt holding the tensioner in place, but I managed to get it with a cheater bar. It was certainly more roomy on the left side. As for the tensioner, I would've thought that it would be sprung but it was tensioned by a bolt behind the coolant tank. The bolt's threads were all trashed so I had to run it through a die and then tighten it all up. The bearing sounded just fine on the tensioner so I kept the same one there as well. I will get a drive belt on order to replace next time I wrench on it.