I am still looking for a 743 or 843 but having no luck. Guess they just don't have any around anymore? Did find a Case 1845 for 2500 but it's got some problem with the directional valve it seems, no left side drive and a leak underneath. The late 80's early 90's Bobcats are my favorite, in terms of looks and they seem to be more powerful than the M610 I have and will be restoring soon. Not looking to spend a fortune on a Bobcat but just get a decent project machine. Am kind of regretting not buying the 800.00 burned out 743 I was offered last year. Lately it seems like all Bobcats are the new S- series although I did see several 763's for sale but those are too new, too expensive and have some electronics (yuck). Is it better to get a project bobcat from a landscaper, contractor or one sitting at home?