What type of controls do you use?

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
Just want to see what type of controls people use on their skidsteers.
When I bought my machine, I choose the model which had the ACS (Advanced Control System, both foot and hand controls). I didn't even try the machine before I bought it, just went off my previous knowledge of Bobcat equipment. When they delivered it, I decided that I wanted to learn hand controls. Over ten years ago when I had a 753, I had used foot controls, but that was all Bobcat had at the time. I was rusty with foot controls, so I had nothing to lose.
Everything went well and I really enjoy operating the machine with hand controls. It seems less fatiguing than foot controls, maybe because I can brace myself again the foot pedals in rough terrain without accidently moving the loader arms or bucket. I also thought, employees who were proficient on foot controls, or maybe came from Case machines with hand controls, would feel more comfortable and work more effectively if they could choose the style they were experienced with. In normal mode, the control levers forward and backward movement control the wheels, and the foot pedals control the bucket functions. In hand control mode, the levers forward and backward movement control the wheels, while inward and outward movement of the handles on the levers control the loader functions.
I tried the new SJC (Selectable Joystick Controls) in a all-wheel steer Bobcat loader, but did not spend enough time on the machine to form an option either good or bad. The Selectable Joystick Controls allow you to choose either ISO controls or H control configurations. The ISO mode allows the left joystick to control movement of the machine forward and backward, plus steering. The right joystick controls the loader funtions. The shorter throw of the joysticks might be even less fatiguing during a long day, but I only ran the machine about 15 minutes. In the H function mode, the left lever controls the left wheels and lift arms, while the right lever controls the right wheels and tilt fuctions, just like hand control mode with the ACS. I believe there is no foot control option with the SJC.
If you have any experience with the Selectable Joystick Controls, please let us know what you think of them.
Merely reporting, here... I've but heard that Case machines and Cat machines have somewhat smoother style joysticks; I'm under the impression that Bobcats' controls are still the best. *shrugs* Haven't done much research into the field, but I know Bobcat has... so I'm sure your choice was a good one.
Merely reporting, here... I've but heard that Case machines and Cat machines have somewhat smoother style joysticks; I'm under the impression that Bobcats' controls are still the best. *shrugs* Haven't done much research into the field, but I know Bobcat has... so I'm sure your choice was a good one.
I have ACS on the T300, and boys I suck at the hand controls. Granted, I haven't given it the old college try yet, but the couple times I've played with it production went WAY down. I'm well coordinated with pedals and sticks, but found it difficult to get smooth action using all stick controls. Practice, practice, practice.
I have ACS on the T300, and boys I suck at the hand controls. Granted, I haven't given it the old college try yet, but the couple times I've played with it production went WAY down. I'm well coordinated with pedals and sticks, but found it difficult to get smooth action using all stick controls. Practice, practice, practice.
Don't worry, I am very out of touch with foot controls. If I HAD to operate a machine with foot controls, people wouldn't believe that I own one because I would be so uncoordinated with them. I should switch over to foot controls occasionally for practice just for the off chance that I have to run a machine without ACS.
Don't worry, I am very out of touch with foot controls. If I HAD to operate a machine with foot controls, people wouldn't believe that I own one because I would be so uncoordinated with them. I should switch over to foot controls occasionally for practice just for the off chance that I have to run a machine without ACS.
Gehl makes a nice hand control. I don't care much for Bobcat's hand controls myself. 500K, have you had your updated ??
Gehl makes a nice hand control. I don't care much for Bobcat's hand controls myself. 500K, have you had your updated ??
I'm sorry, but I don't think I know what you mean by updated.
My ACS allows me to select ,with a switch above the cab door, between hand controls or foot controls. On the SJC machines, the switch (in the same position as my switch) allows you to choose the joystick steering mode or standard hand control mode. My understanding is that the SJC machine doesn't offer foot controls as an option.
I think Bobcat's hand controls are the same as Case, right? How do the Gehl controls differ?
I'm sorry, but I don't think I know what you mean by updated.
My ACS allows me to select ,with a switch above the cab door, between hand controls or foot controls. On the SJC machines, the switch (in the same position as my switch) allows you to choose the joystick steering mode or standard hand control mode. My understanding is that the SJC machine doesn't offer foot controls as an option.
I think Bobcat's hand controls are the same as Case, right? How do the Gehl controls differ?
Gehl has 2 T handle controls. 1 for motion and 1 for lift/tilt Foward to lower/back to raise. Twist to right to dump to left to tilt back. Same with the other handle, forward to move forward twist right to go right etc
Gehl has 2 T handle controls. 1 for motion and 1 for lift/tilt Foward to lower/back to raise. Twist to right to dump to left to tilt back. Same with the other handle, forward to move forward twist right to go right etc
500K, The SJC controls basically convert between A300-type controls and advanced hand controls. They are wired somewhat differently than the standard Bobcat Advanced Hand Controls, though. That is, if you select one of the two patterns, you can get a Case-style control -- forward and reverse on both levers controls machine direction; left-right raises or lowers (curls or dumps) the bucket. If you select the other control pattern, the left joystick becomes machine direction while the right joystick controls all bucket functions. In this sense, it is similar to the Gehl/Cat control pattern. (And for this reason, doesn't have or need foot pedals.) StuZ, it would seem to me that the Gehl has too much motion. Operating a machine with palms down (resting on the top of the T-bar) seems to be a ergonomic faux-pas.
500K, The SJC controls basically convert between A300-type controls and advanced hand controls. They are wired somewhat differently than the standard Bobcat Advanced Hand Controls, though. That is, if you select one of the two patterns, you can get a Case-style control -- forward and reverse on both levers controls machine direction; left-right raises or lowers (curls or dumps) the bucket. If you select the other control pattern, the left joystick becomes machine direction while the right joystick controls all bucket functions. In this sense, it is similar to the Gehl/Cat control pattern. (And for this reason, doesn't have or need foot pedals.) StuZ, it would seem to me that the Gehl has too much motion. Operating a machine with palms down (resting on the top of the T-bar) seems to be a ergonomic faux-pas.
WWWoowwww!!! We even have urbane intelect that knows french. Who would have thunk it! I must say that I am a dedecated hand and foot pedal man. I have run Case loaders with no problems but as I have said before feels like home to my days as a pilot. A helicopter requires a cyclic for attitude control, a collective for altitude control and the foot pedals for antitorque control. And the bobcat system is almost identical to my aviation days. You just can't imagine the fun. The best expression I ever heard is "flying a helo is the most fun you can have with your pants still on". No reading into this too much, but I just like running the darn things, feels like home. I guess you would have to be in my shoes to understand. As an addendum; I am still a reserve Army officer and with the fighting with the war on terror as it is, I could still look forward to an activation to active duty. I don't think I would go to a main line unit, but I think I would be put in a round out position in a unit lacking my aviation skills. If I have to go I plan on killing as many of the blood thirsty bastards as I can. No need for us to listen to calls to prayer 5 times a days and our women in burkas.
WWWoowwww!!! We even have urbane intelect that knows french. Who would have thunk it! I must say that I am a dedecated hand and foot pedal man. I have run Case loaders with no problems but as I have said before feels like home to my days as a pilot. A helicopter requires a cyclic for attitude control, a collective for altitude control and the foot pedals for antitorque control. And the bobcat system is almost identical to my aviation days. You just can't imagine the fun. The best expression I ever heard is "flying a helo is the most fun you can have with your pants still on". No reading into this too much, but I just like running the darn things, feels like home. I guess you would have to be in my shoes to understand. As an addendum; I am still a reserve Army officer and with the fighting with the war on terror as it is, I could still look forward to an activation to active duty. I don't think I would go to a main line unit, but I think I would be put in a round out position in a unit lacking my aviation skills. If I have to go I plan on killing as many of the blood thirsty bastards as I can. No need for us to listen to calls to prayer 5 times a days and our women in burkas.
Everyone will have to forgive 864Wood. By this time every night he's completely plastered. I'm surprised he can even find his computer. He must have stumbled over it again.
Disclaimer: This post is in no way meant as an endorsement for 864Wood's behavior, nor is it meant to associate the clean reputation of Team Fountain with said offender.

Everyone will have to forgive 864Wood. By this time every night he's completely plastered. I'm surprised he can even find his computer. He must have stumbled over it again.
Disclaimer: This post is in no way meant as an endorsement for 864Wood's behavior, nor is it meant to associate the clean reputation of Team Fountain with said offender.
OOWWWW! Somebody please help pull out the knife, I can't reach it where it is embedded in my back. If you couldn't tell we have known each other for some years. As is we are catching him on his day out of therapy for his people skills.
OOWWWW! Somebody please help pull out the knife, I can't reach it where it is embedded in my back. If you couldn't tell we have known each other for some years. As is we are catching him on his day out of therapy for his people skills.
LOL, I'm still a student...