Q's about 763

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Oct 11, 2004
i am about to buy my first machine and was wondering what yall thought of the 763. i am going to be building a stunt park, motocross and street bike stunts. and if yall know what i should look for or to look out for when looking for my machine. i have found many out there and have contemplated buying from a rental company, they have all of there service records and the machine only has 1200 hrs. what do yall think, and if yur bored on the internet click below to see my girl friend crash a motorcycle http://www.midweststunters.com/natalie.htm
The 763 is a nice size machine. What to look for really depends on how old it is. I would take a couple 3/4" wrenches along and flip the cab up. Look for (2) Y shaped aluminum pieces that the hydro controls are bolted to. Make sure they are good and tight. While you have the cab tilted back, look to the back of the cab area for the fan drive gearbox. Make sure it is tight, and has been full of oil. Axle seals and the BICS (Bobcat Interlock Control System) behind your right elbow. Make sure it is clean and all the green lights work
The 763 is a nice size machine. What to look for really depends on how old it is. I would take a couple 3/4" wrenches along and flip the cab up. Look for (2) Y shaped aluminum pieces that the hydro controls are bolted to. Make sure they are good and tight. While you have the cab tilted back, look to the back of the cab area for the fan drive gearbox. Make sure it is tight, and has been full of oil. Axle seals and the BICS (Bobcat Interlock Control System) behind your right elbow. Make sure it is clean and all the green lights work
You may want to throw some counterweight on it. The 763 may get a little bit tippy if you're digging in heavy clay... at least according to observation and owners' comments.