pricing work??

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Feb 12, 2008
I am wondering if someone can tell me how to price a couple of jobs. First, I have someone who wants me to get rid of a grass path and then make a gravel road. Secondly, I have someone who wants me to rough grade 6 yards. Do I charge by the hour or by the job? If by the job, how do I estimate the time I will need? Thanks for your help, Tom.
Are you disposing the grass once you take it up and are you supplying the gravel? Both of those will take time and possibly an expense to dump the sod. Without knowing how wide and long a path it's hard to say you could charge them by the hour if your not sure how long it will take you. As for the 6 yards that won't take much time at all. I have a 3 hour min. if it's not too far from the shop. If you think it could lead to more work down the road do it fairly cheap if your in the area with the machine. Hope this helps.
Are you disposing the grass once you take it up and are you supplying the gravel? Both of those will take time and possibly an expense to dump the sod. Without knowing how wide and long a path it's hard to say you could charge them by the hour if your not sure how long it will take you. As for the 6 yards that won't take much time at all. I have a 3 hour min. if it's not too far from the shop. If you think it could lead to more work down the road do it fairly cheap if your in the area with the machine. Hope this helps.
I actually prefer to price by the job if it's less than one day, anytime you supply materials check prices before you give estimates, example: Before I saw the site and after the customer said she wanted gravel in her driveway, I had her measure L-W and call me back. I priced gravel including delivery from the closest supplier. I don't like to go back and say I made a mistake.
I actually prefer to price by the job if it's less than one day, anytime you supply materials check prices before you give estimates, example: Before I saw the site and after the customer said she wanted gravel in her driveway, I had her measure L-W and call me back. I priced gravel including delivery from the closest supplier. I don't like to go back and say I made a mistake.
welcome to the school of hard knocks. if you are just getting started you should charge by the hour. many times people will change their minds while the job is going on and you cannt get hurt when chargeing by the hour. also let the customer be responsible for any materials they need. at times people will think they were included and will not pay for them. once you get used to the people and types of jobs you will be able to price by the job and be able to make a little more. just rember that peole will read things in sometimes so be very factual in your bids and be sure you get any ghanges in writeing. IMHO individuals are harder to work for than companys because people are not that familar with what machines will or will not do.