Please help - Disconnect attachment

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Jun 14, 2007
Hi everyone, Just purchased a used NH LX565 with some attachments. Have never owned one before but have played around a few times. So my skid steer arrives with various attachments and is strewn across the back yard. I've ordered a manual but it has yet to arrive. I've tried to disconnect the bucket so that I can park my attachments in the garage but am having a hell of a time accomplishing this. I pull up the attachment levers around 30 degrees and it feels right. And I've tried to tilt the bucket forward but to no avail. I was under the impression that this was how to disconnect the bucket but my lacklustre performance tells me I'm wrong. Any help is greatly appreciated. newbie
Situation solved. Time to hit the weights, levers were extremely stiff, or I'm a weakling.