Newbie Thinking about buying Bobcat

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Feb 27, 2008
Thinking about buying a new or lightly used bobcat for our snow removal and landscaping needs, but not sure where to start. Looking at the bobcat website it seems that an S175 would about fit the bill... Couple of questions though: 1.) What should I be looking at spending for used S175 (as fraction of new, preferrably under 500 hrs and less than 3 years old) if we don't go w/ new? 2.) Tracks worth it for snow removal and mulch moving/hole digging? 3.) Any particular model that is more reliable/easier to work on than others? Fairly mechanically competent, but never worked on a Bobcat before. Maintenance is a big thing, as this machine will only get used a few hours a week in the winter at most and a few hours a month in the summer, so getting it picked up for service frequently or having it not start when needed would be a problem. 4.) What attachments are you guys using for moving snow? Bucket? Blade? Snowblower? Strengths and weaknesses of each? Driveway consists of a big (100x100' parking area with a small drive up to it from the street. Surrounded on 2 sides by garages and the other 2 (except for the drive) by retaining walls with limited places to push snow. Currently it is plowed by a guy with a plow on a pickup but it takes a long time and as more snow falls the snow piles creep outward and impinge on parking space. I'm assuming a big snow bucket that could also be used to push snow around would be the perfect combo--able to push snow when necessary, but able to pick it up and move it if necessary. Sorry for the long post, I appreciate any advice you might have.
First, I only have two seasons under my belt w/ snow, and most of that is hard pack. For our light, dry snow, my neighbor loves his big snow pusher. He has an S220 or so; fairly large machine, but not a 300 series. My other neighbor says he had trouble w/ an 8' angle-blade on snow, w/ a smaller Bobcat. The 'cat would scoot sideways w/ much of a snow load. He never ran chains, which may have helped. Food for thought w/ a 175, anyway. My standard bucket is a PITA for snow removal (too slow) but great for hard pack. If I were going to move much snow, I'd think about chains and a fairly large bucket/snow pusher. Read/search here and ask your dealer about the size. BTW: My JD dealer does not sell tracks: "Too many warranty issues." One of the guys here says he loves tracks, because it keeps him busy selling parts (drive chains, etc) that break because of the extra loads associated w/ tracks. As for a snow blower, I sure don't need one, but you'll have to call that. More machinery to pack around, pay for, maintain.... and if you use it rarely, how will it pay for itself? Check machinerytrader, equipmentlocater, eBay for used machines/prices. Those are good starting points, anyway. Good luck. j
1.) What should I be looking at spending for used S175 (as fraction of new, preferrably under 500 hrs and less than 3 years old) if we don't go w/ new?
I watched a 600 hr 3 year old s185 c gold package, hi flow go for 18500, thought that was good buy. S 175 is 10 hp less, no AC option, likely 16 to 16500
2.) Tracks worth it for snow removal and mulch moving/hole digging?
I only run tracks in snow for brush mowing, tire chains are better on roads and parking lots if you want more traction. I would not be without ott tracks in the summer though. They stay on 2 of my loaders year round. The 3rd is on tires with the option to chain the rears.
3.) Any particular model that is more reliable/easier to work on than others?
As a rule skidsteer are basic machine and don't require extensive maintenance. Most all start well with a block heater and glow plugs. Any brand loader that new/ low hours will be a pretty good machine. All have some good and weaker points. But none are clearly better or worse. This really depends on your jobs for them. Also consider who you must deal with for part/ repair should you need them. Visit that place and see if your comfortable working with them

4.) What attachments are you guys using for moving snow? Bucket? Blade? Snowblower? Strengths and weaknesses of each? Driveway consists of a big (100x100' parking area with a small drive up to it from the street. Surrounded on 2 sides by garages and the other 2 (except for the drive) by retaining walls with limited places to push snow.
If you need to load snow then you need a bucket.
But for performance /time to complete the job and blade or a pusher wins hands down. No dump time at the pile, usually wider. Also remembers blades trip if you hit a curb etc, pushers, buckets and blowers don't. Blades can also twist some side to side where a 8' bucket will tend to dig the outside corners on the cutting edge into the ground on all but the most flat lane way
Blowers rock if you don't want snow piles, also you can put the snow in places you can't drive the loader. ( like over your retaining walls) But rate of travel is slower then blades on moderate to lite snowfalls, Say 8" or less. Blowers are excellent for very heavy snow fall areas are areas that tend to drift in badly (no snow banks) . It can be 3 ft deep and you can always blow. With a blade or pusher your almost beat and a bucket is only a bit better.
Even with a bucket, blade pusher though you will pile 3 times the snow in a given space as a truck. Think higher. With a blower likely 5 times.