First of a 72" grapple is on the large side for a 753, but you may have also hit the nail on the head. Get a pressure guage and hook it into your quick couplers and see where you hyd pressure is at. If its up to spec, (my guess @ 2500 psi, but you would need to check that), you may be just trying to lift to much. As for your grapple closing on it own, I'd bet the hyd cylinder on the right side, needs repacked and is bypassing the piston internally. The test, unhook the hoses, push the rod in and out to remove most of the oil. Plug the port on the barrel end of the cylinder, and take the pin out of the rod end, hook your air compressor to the port on the rod end and pressurize it. If the packings are good the rod will retract into the cylinder and STAY there. If the cylinder is bypassing, the rod will retract then begin to extend itself. If you are trying too close the grapple and lift (or tilt) at the same time, this would definitely account for your lack of lifting power. See if it improves when you quit trying to close the grapple. regards Ken