need part for scat track/volvo skid steer

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Mar 25, 2008
I need a wiper motor assembly for a scat trac/volvo skid steer. It might be around 10 years old. It is a 1500D. I have looked and searched til Im blue in the face, and cant find a single lead, except a brand new one from volvo for 400$. eek! can someone help? I can pay for shipping. It will go to wisconsin. thanks
You could take your wiper motor with you and look around at a auto salvage yard. I dont think thats the only thing that particular wiper motor would be used on.Look in J C Whitney they sell after market wiper motors. I dont know how it mounts.You could possibly adapt. I like original equipment but a 400 dollar wiper motor. look at some pictures on web sites. possibly ebay. you may recognize it. Take it to a auto part store they may be able to cross reference it. Mike