Hydraulic and gear oil

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Well-known member
Jan 16, 2007
I have a Bobcat 751F and want to change the oil in the gear case and hydraulic system. I would prefer not to use Bobcat branded oil and filters to save money. Here are my questions: Hydraulic Oil: what oil do I need any ISO 46 grade? May I use a Fram or Wix brand filter and if so what are the part numbers? Where can I get the small in line filters and what are their part numbers in Wix or FRam? Can I just drain the hydraulic oil and refill run it for a few hours and drain and refill or do I need to flush it first? Gear Oil: What type or ISO number oil do I need for that? Thank you any help you can give me
Your local parts store should be able to cross the filter numbers as for the inline one mine is a bobcat only part I drain the hydraulic oil into the chain case and mine runs 15-40 in everything I'm sure others will chime in this topic always generates discussion Good luck Jeff
Your local parts store should be able to cross the filter numbers as for the inline one mine is a bobcat only part I drain the hydraulic oil into the chain case and mine runs 15-40 in everything I'm sure others will chime in this topic always generates discussion Good luck Jeff
I agree, i use 15W40 in mine and am starting to use 20W50 as its cheaper. Any standard engine oil will work just fine in the hydraulics and chain case. Don't use oil for really modern cars as some use really light oils. Stick between 10W30 or 20W50 range and you will be fine. If you run tracks you need special synthetic oil for the gear boxes.
I agree, i use 15W40 in mine and am starting to use 20W50 as its cheaper. Any standard engine oil will work just fine in the hydraulics and chain case. Don't use oil for really modern cars as some use really light oils. Stick between 10W30 or 20W50 range and you will be fine. If you run tracks you need special synthetic oil for the gear boxes.
Stephend, (or Steve?), Knowing that Bobcat wants top dollar for everything else, I shopped around for filters. I found Bobcat was no more expensive than the Checker, Napa, CarQuest aftermarket suppliers, but it was pretty clear to me looking at both types of filters that the Bobcat quality was far superior. A couple of examples from two years ago: fuel filter 6667352 $12.36, CarQuest CFI 86192 $20. Engine oil: 6661011 $7.53, Carquest CFI 85083 $7. Hydraulic oil 6661248 $30.56, CarQuest CFI 85455 $40, Napa 1455 $37. So I just get a handful when I'm in the Bobcat store for something else. I've also seen some good deals on ebay, but you have to watch regularly to snag them. --- As for the smaller in-line hydraulic fluid filters, mine (there are two) are in aluminum cases about 1.5" dia and 3" long. The replacement filters are $19 from Bobcat (Tazza will tell you that you can easily clean the old ones, especially if they're not too gunked up), and the entire new assembly (I certainly don't advocate replacing the whole assembly) is $30. And the replace interval on these is I think about a thousand hours unless something goes south and puts a lot of detritus in your system, so the per-hour cost is low. ---Bob