How to unlock Hyd brake lock on 763F?

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Jan 15, 2006
Does anyone know how to disengage the brake lock on a "99" 763F so we can get this machine off the hill and on a trailer? The lift and bucket will move; only can rock the bobcat back and forth. Too much pressure on the handles and it immmediately locks. The BICS has a flashing green light on the traction; all others are solid. Is the electrical solenoid the main problem or does another component energize it to unlock? No problem over last 2 weeks but I noticed sometimes I had to rock before it would move. You could always feel/hear over-ride button click but now it is dead.
Its most likley your solenoid, they do go bad. I know you can remove some parts to get it to release but i don't know what, another member will know. Just be patient and someone will tell you. The only other way is to call your dealer and talk to the service people, they will tell you what you need to do.
Its most likley your solenoid, they do go bad. I know you can remove some parts to get it to release but i don't know what, another member will know. Just be patient and someone will tell you. The only other way is to call your dealer and talk to the service people, they will tell you what you need to do.
Thanks for the info. I called the dealer today and they were very helpful. I removed the solenoid and a 2 bolt housing below it and pulled out the lock pin and spring assembly. Put all back together and used the bobcat all day. Of course now I don't have a parking brake, After one hour of use the lift arm and bucket locked up. I went up to the house for lunch and when I restarted all was good. I'm not sure what is going on but I think there is a problem in the BICS. What ever causes my traction light to blink is probably the source. Any Ideas????
Thanks for the info. I called the dealer today and they were very helpful. I removed the solenoid and a 2 bolt housing below it and pulled out the lock pin and spring assembly. Put all back together and used the bobcat all day. Of course now I don't have a parking brake, After one hour of use the lift arm and bucket locked up. I went up to the house for lunch and when I restarted all was good. I'm not sure what is going on but I think there is a problem in the BICS. What ever causes my traction light to blink is probably the source. Any Ideas????
What on your bics is blinking, most of the time it is your seat senor, unless you you have the updated contoller.