How to (safely) pull fence posts?

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Apr 3, 2007
Hello everyone. I have put some 50 hours on the Bobcat leveling my lot and removing the rocks. However, I backed into my fence exactly at a post. :-( It is a vinyl fence with 2-3 bags of concrete in the post hole.
How can I pull out this one vinyl post (easily and safely)? I don't have experience with chains, cables, etc and placing a load on them. However, I do know that any of them can break, lose their hold, etc at any time with disastrous results.

Have any of you done this successfully? I had heard of a technique used by pool contractors where they put dry ice in the post base and then the post comes right out of the concrete. Sounds slick but does it work and how do you get a new post into the old concrete?
You have a lot of lift and push power in the machine. Use it.

1) Remove the rails connecting the post on each side.

2) Use the bucket to bump the post back and forth a few times to loosen it, but not break it.

3) Wrap a nylon strap around the post base and connect to the bucket teeth (if there), then lift it out. This should get it out for you, but some can be stubborn.
You have a lot of lift and push power in the machine. Use it.

1) Remove the rails connecting the post on each side.

2) Use the bucket to bump the post back and forth a few times to loosen it, but not break it.

3) Wrap a nylon strap around the post base and connect to the bucket teeth (if there), then lift it out. This should get it out for you, but some can be stubborn.
This is where a 4 in 1 bucket comes into its own.
Yes yes, i love my 4 in one bucket.
I just open the bucket and lift it over the post and close up on it and lift.
I have also thrown a chain over the bucket and twisted it around the post. I have never had any safety issues as i got my dad to attach the chains when i was in the machine.
This is where a 4 in 1 bucket comes into its own.
Yes yes, i love my 4 in one bucket.
I just open the bucket and lift it over the post and close up on it and lift.
I have also thrown a chain over the bucket and twisted it around the post. I have never had any safety issues as i got my dad to attach the chains when i was in the machine.
For future reference, I picked up a sunvisor mirror at walmart and mounted it inside to the grated roof, I have a fear of backing into something or heaven help me, someone....
You have a lot of lift and push power in the machine. Use it.

1) Remove the rails connecting the post on each side.

2) Use the bucket to bump the post back and forth a few times to loosen it, but not break it.

3) Wrap a nylon strap around the post base and connect to the bucket teeth (if there), then lift it out. This should get it out for you, but some can be stubborn.
Yes, sounds great but I don't want to invest that much in a bucket when I will sell this machine at the end of the summer. Maybe I could rent one...
Yes, sounds great but I don't want to invest that much in a bucket when I will sell this machine at the end of the summer. Maybe I could rent one...
I love the 4 in 1 idea but don't want to buy a bucket. Maybe I could rent one. However, if I could get the chains and or nylon strap to work it would be easier then going to pick up a bucket and then having to take it back.
All great ideas, thanks everyone for chiming in. I like the mirror idea also, but I don't know if it would have helped in this scenario. The dust was so bad I couldn't see and lost track of my stopping point. I gave myself three rows of cleared land to signal when I should stop backward movement but the thick dust and a stubborn rock caused me to lose track of my spot and give too much power at the same time. Yes, I am very paranoid about safety of people around the machine and won't allow anyone around when I am operating it. There are plenty of NIOSH reports to confirm the reasons for my safety paranoia.
I figured I should give up on any idea of re-using the concrete plug. I guess that hole will end up with 4 - 5 bags of concrete after I replace the post! I just hope the concrete plug comes out with the post. I have found info that these vinyl posts come out of the plug easily. I don't want that because then I still have to dig out the old concrete.
When pulling out a post with a chain. Wrap the chain around the post as you are finishing the first wrap go between the post and the chain section that is where you started. Do this at least 2 wraps and then hook it back to the starting section(adjust the chain length that you are using around the post so that you use all of it. tighten up on the part that you hooking to the skid loader for this adjustment) When you put pressure on the chain it should press againist the wraps you made. The harder you pull the harder it pushes againist the post. This helps not to slip. If you are fearful of the post coming out of the concrete dig a 6in trench around the base and wrap the chain around this instead of the post. Will work the same as the post. Also try and pull up straight in line with the post less friction on the sides of the hole.