Business slow for you guys????

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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2006
Business sure is slow around here, is it good/bad in your part of the country, or out?. I'm taking the opportunity to look for, and possibly buy, used equipment and build a couple of pieces.
If it were not for Katrina we would probally be slow here in New Orleans , I have always found it slows down before and after a presidential election , and between the New Year and Easter , we have Mardi Gras down here which is really like 3 weeks of partying and not alot gets done ---------I hate to be a pestemist but I see really bad things coming in the not too far off future , the economy is going down the tubes and with the prices I forsee we will be paying for fuel by the end of the year it's only going to get worst across the board , we will be remember in history as the petroleum age , everything we do is some way related to petro , from fertilizers , tractors , delivery of frieght , tires , heating , going to work , plastics , you name it and it has somethng to do with fuel , I wouldn't doubt by the end of this year you see $5.00 fuel , $7.00 milk , and $5.00 loaf of bread , which into makes everything else go up , a viscous cylce -----on a positive note , don't worry , be happy , come to New Orleans and party with the big dogs for Mardi Gras
If it were not for Katrina we would probally be slow here in New Orleans , I have always found it slows down before and after a presidential election , and between the New Year and Easter , we have Mardi Gras down here which is really like 3 weeks of partying and not alot gets done ---------I hate to be a pestemist but I see really bad things coming in the not too far off future , the economy is going down the tubes and with the prices I forsee we will be paying for fuel by the end of the year it's only going to get worst across the board , we will be remember in history as the petroleum age , everything we do is some way related to petro , from fertilizers , tractors , delivery of frieght , tires , heating , going to work , plastics , you name it and it has somethng to do with fuel , I wouldn't doubt by the end of this year you see $5.00 fuel , $7.00 milk , and $5.00 loaf of bread , which into makes everything else go up , a viscous cylce -----on a positive note , don't worry , be happy , come to New Orleans and party with the big dogs for Mardi Gras
Fish!, that sounds like a good idea. I had a feeling the oil prices would eventually hit the economy hard. Some guy on one of the financial channels confirmed my suspicion when he said folks are paying for gas on borrowed money (credit cards). It's finally catching up with everyone and american express credit card said they were writing off 400 mil. in credit card defaults. I don't believe they will be the only ones?.
If it were not for Katrina we would probally be slow here in New Orleans , I have always found it slows down before and after a presidential election , and between the New Year and Easter , we have Mardi Gras down here which is really like 3 weeks of partying and not alot gets done ---------I hate to be a pestemist but I see really bad things coming in the not too far off future , the economy is going down the tubes and with the prices I forsee we will be paying for fuel by the end of the year it's only going to get worst across the board , we will be remember in history as the petroleum age , everything we do is some way related to petro , from fertilizers , tractors , delivery of frieght , tires , heating , going to work , plastics , you name it and it has somethng to do with fuel , I wouldn't doubt by the end of this year you see $5.00 fuel , $7.00 milk , and $5.00 loaf of bread , which into makes everything else go up , a viscous cylce -----on a positive note , don't worry , be happy , come to New Orleans and party with the big dogs for Mardi Gras
Everything corrects itself. It is natural for the economy to have highs and lows. Oil prices have dropped $10 USD in the past 2 weeks and interest rates are dropping. I believe things will be down for a couple years but they will pick up again.
Everything corrects itself. It is natural for the economy to have highs and lows. Oil prices have dropped $10 USD in the past 2 weeks and interest rates are dropping. I believe things will be down for a couple years but they will pick up again.
Since everyone is talking doom and gloom, here in new york the economists are predicting 0% job growth over the next year or two. Inflation is at 6%, and it is the first time since 1932 that both the housing market and the stock market are spiraling downward. I do agree that things do correct and that we have seen things go up, down, sideways, and back up. But how long can we keep paying our bills when like you said milk is $4, fuel is about $4, my insurance went up and people want me to do better on my estimates because slappy can do it cheaper.
The winter,s for the most part keep me busy. The past two years I had a hard time keeping up. But for the past three summers it,s slow. I have been looking in a 250 mile area for summer work it,s been so slow here in Fort st. James.
The winter,s for the most part keep me busy. The past two years I had a hard time keeping up. But for the past three summers it,s slow. I have been looking in a 250 mile area for summer work it,s been so slow here in Fort st. James.
Hang in there guys!!! Many of us are having major struggles but when in the history of the world has it been easy. Mankind has a history of adapting to change and conquering evil. No one today is forced live in WWII Concentration Camps; that cruel sickness was stamped out many years ago. We are fighting another up hill battle today and we must stay focused on winning. Will the future require change YES can we make it work YES will it always be easy No. I believe that no matter how bad things get as long as we are on the right side of the grass we have a chance!
Hang in there guys!!! Many of us are having major struggles but when in the history of the world has it been easy. Mankind has a history of adapting to change and conquering evil. No one today is forced live in WWII Concentration Camps; that cruel sickness was stamped out many years ago. We are fighting another up hill battle today and we must stay focused on winning. Will the future require change YES can we make it work YES will it always be easy No. I believe that no matter how bad things get as long as we are on the right side of the grass we have a chance!
Pondfishr, no doubt we'll recover, it's just a matter of hanging on and try to be a little creative. In addition to normal fees, I offered to barter my services on craigslist, but only for 'valued' items or service. I also targeted the DIY folks, offering to do the hard part and advise them on the most economical and efficient path to compete their project. I once had a landscaping business.
Pondfishr, no doubt we'll recover, it's just a matter of hanging on and try to be a little creative. In addition to normal fees, I offered to barter my services on craigslist, but only for 'valued' items or service. I also targeted the DIY folks, offering to do the hard part and advise them on the most economical and efficient path to compete their project. I once had a landscaping business.
Business sure has started to pick up, soon as it started turning green the phone lights up!.
Most of the calls coming in are the result of the ad I posted on craigslist.....