Bought 443 Bobcat with Broken Hour Meter

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Aug 5, 2007
Hey Guys, I just bought my first skid steer - a 1995 Bobcat 443 with only 812 hours for $5500. However, when I got it home and started using it, I realized that the hours meter is broken. I have no idea how many real hours are on the machine. How big of a deal is that for resale? I planned on using it for a year or so, then selling and upgrading if everything was going well. Thanks for your help.
I don't think it will be a real issue. Hour meters are just an indicator and are never taken as being 100% reliable. I would replace it just so you know when service is due. You can tell the new prospective owner the old meter read XXXX hours. As long as it starts and runs well, thats all buyers care about. The hydrostats last just about for ever on these machines.
I don't think it will be a real issue. Hour meters are just an indicator and are never taken as being 100% reliable. I would replace it just so you know when service is due. You can tell the new prospective owner the old meter read XXXX hours. As long as it starts and runs well, thats all buyers care about. The hydrostats last just about for ever on these machines.
Thanks for the reply. Do you think I paid a fair price then? I thought it was a pretty good deal with such low hours, but now I'm not so sure.
Thanks for the reply. Do you think I paid a fair price then? I thought it was a pretty good deal with such low hours, but now I'm not so sure.
I'm no expert, but here's my take. If you're happy with what the machine is doing for you for the price you paid, you got a good deal.
I'm no expert, but here's my take. If you're happy with what the machine is doing for you for the price you paid, you got a good deal.
Thanks for the comments guys. I kind of rushed in to buying this thing, but now that I've got it home, I'm not so sure its been well cared for. The oil is low, the hydraulic fluid is low, and the previous owner says he wasn't aware that the hour meter was broken. If he didn't pay attention to the hours, then what kind of maintenance was he doing? I'm not sure what I'm going to do, but I appreciate the comments. Thanks again.
Thanks for the comments guys. I kind of rushed in to buying this thing, but now that I've got it home, I'm not so sure its been well cared for. The oil is low, the hydraulic fluid is low, and the previous owner says he wasn't aware that the hour meter was broken. If he didn't pay attention to the hours, then what kind of maintenance was he doing? I'm not sure what I'm going to do, but I appreciate the comments. Thanks again.
If your concerned, change the engine oil and filter. Mark the filter with the date and hours (of the new hour meter). Change the hydro filter and oil too, mark the hours and date too.
This way you know exactly where the service stands. Slightly low oil level is nothing to worry about.