Bob Cat M52

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Jul 20, 2006
I bought an M52 in 04. It is under used for light horse farm chores. I am seasoned citizen that traded in a regular Skid Steer for the Mini becuase I don't have to scale in and repel out..the point is that this Mini Track has a very easy life. I used it..left for a week sat in the garage and when I came home and it would not start. the dealer is saying the Motor Mount is broken thus breaking the cellenoid bolts. How can this possibly be? I would appreciate any input mb
Perhaps that is a weak point or area prone to failure on that unit. A motor mount bolt usually never breaks on most equipment though.
The solinoid should not be to expensive of a part and the motor mount failure could be a simple as a nut that vibrates off to more expensive like needing a weldment replaced or re welded. Both repairs sound like something any skilled mechanic could perform for you, if you would rather not have the dealer repair it.
These types of failure should never happen, but still they do
Perhaps that is a weak point or area prone to failure on that unit. A motor mount bolt usually never breaks on most equipment though.
The solinoid should not be to expensive of a part and the motor mount failure could be a simple as a nut that vibrates off to more expensive like needing a weldment replaced or re welded. Both repairs sound like something any skilled mechanic could perform for you, if you would rather not have the dealer repair it.
These types of failure should never happen, but still they do
Thanks Ken..that's what I thought...mb
Thanks Ken..that's what I thought...mb
Bobcat MT52 Mini Track Loaders had a nasty habit of the motor mount through bolts rattling loose and falling out allowing the engine to flop back and forth when revving or bouncing during use. Usually it breaks the the muffler off, breaks the plastic fan and in worse cases puts the fan into the radiator. Ive done this repair on so many I cant even count that high and i have all my fingers and toes. I have NEVER seen it break the bolts on a solenoid. Does it crank over? If yes then its the fuel sol. Much easier to change.