773 blowing traction fuses

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Nov 17, 2005
I was running my 773 today in cold weather (10F) after about 1/2 hour the traction light starting flashing, got the three beeps and the machine would no longer move. Service code that came up was 15-03: Traction Lock Solenoid, Primary - Error Off (detects off when should be on). Checking the traction fuse, it was blown. I replaced the fuse, started the machine, pressed the operate button and the new fuse blew right away. I ended up pulling the solenoid in order to move the machine. I don't have a service manual and it will take a few days to get one. In the mean time does anyone have an idea on what's going on or what I should check? Thanks
It sounds like a ground/connection problem. Check for short to ground. Check the BICS valve solenoid for resistance, should be 8 to 10 ohms. Checking for lack of ground. Check that the BICS controller is properly grounded. The ground is the Black wire #70 at terminal B on the cab harness connector plug. Be sure that the black ground wire is properly grounding where the connection is made between the cab harness and chasis harness.
I have ran across this problem. Do you have back up alarm on the machine. If you do what is happening is that your steering has a little slop in in allowing the right hand guide plate to go across and hit the left hand switch causing a short in the system. if that is not the case look around the left hand handle inside of them machine bobcat for some reason wears really bad in that area. at that and good luck otherwise follow stuz on the ohm test.

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