700 series w/ Kubota Deisel won't start

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Dec 13, 2006
I have a borrowed 700 series skid steer with a Kubota deisel engine. It was running great and I ran it out of fuel. I put new fuel in it and it will not restart. The fuel is the correct deisel. Is there something I need to prime to get this thing started again? If so, exactly where do I do this and with what? Thanks for your help Dan
Open the back door of the machine.
The filter that is smallest and mounted to a aluminum bracket is the fuel filter. it should have a bleed screw on top or just loosen the filter.
There in a inline primer bulb (like a outboard motor uses) in the fuel line (below the engine) prime it a few times until the fuel come out the filter or bleed screw.
It should fire up without too much cranking from this point.
Open the back door of the machine.
The filter that is smallest and mounted to a aluminum bracket is the fuel filter. it should have a bleed screw on top or just loosen the filter.
There in a inline primer bulb (like a outboard motor uses) in the fuel line (below the engine) prime it a few times until the fuel come out the filter or bleed screw.
It should fire up without too much cranking from this point.
It kinda depends on what it is, a 743 has as ken said, a hand primer. You need to loosen a valve at the injector pump to get fuel moving though. If its a 731 you need to crack a bleed screw and pump the lift pump priming lever. Later model machines will have the same setup as the 743, loosen the valve on the injector pump to get fuel to flow back to the fuel tank.
Make sure you re-tighten and bleed devices, i made this mistake once, the engine would start then just die, i wasn't sure what was going on at first, then it hit me.
Open the back door of the machine.
The filter that is smallest and mounted to a aluminum bracket is the fuel filter. it should have a bleed screw on top or just loosen the filter.
There in a inline primer bulb (like a outboard motor uses) in the fuel line (below the engine) prime it a few times until the fuel come out the filter or bleed screw.
It should fire up without too much cranking from this point.
Ken, Thank you VERY much for the help. I did as you suggested and it still wouldn't start. But it was as simple as following the fuel line from the filter a little farther along, loosening the hose clamp, and pumping till all the bubbles stopped and fuel ran out. then it fired right up. I am convinced more than ever that there is nothing you can't find out on the Internet. Merry Christmas!