I have put tracks on a few 463's , it's been a long time , so there is going to be some I think's in here , don't know anything about da" 44" set up" , that don't ring any bells , do remember that the 463 use to come with two different tire opitions and we had to go with the other size from what we had on the machine and had to get another set of tires and rims to make it work , but I can't remember what size it was that it works with , I think it you could get a 4 series with either 6 or 8 " wide tires on 12" rims , I think , also "do" remember having to turn the tires around with the offset out making the wheels farther away from the machine or would have had to buy some wheel spacers , this flipping would have made airing tires hard as the stems were inwards but they were foam filled so it didn't matter , the type of tracks were the steel band type early Loering I think , ya know , it did make the machine more versital in the mud but did rob some of the power , never had any wheel bearing failures and was forwarned that foam filled tires and tracks on such a small machine was taboo but it worked