safety catch bar that won't let you go if not down

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Oct 17, 2003
I bought a 763 today. My concern or problem, is when I get out and back in, close the bar and try to go, I really have to try to move what I can, turn it off, raise and lower the bar and restart numerous times before it releases to let me drive or lift the bucket. Can anyone assist me in my prob?? It doesn't seem to be the switchs that are pushed down as you lower the bar. And, it has some blowby coming out the dipstick tube. As a rule, that would mean rings. Any other possibilities?? Any help appreciated. If you are willing, my email is [email protected] Appreciate any help and glad to find the board. tjb
Check to see if the ploy skid pads the seatbar comes down are are worn, or see if you can push them down further than the seat bar. Check to see if all the BICS green lights are on (behind your right elbow) and if the aren't which one is OFF ?? Make sure there isn't some dirt or debris under the seat, not letting the seat come down on the seat switch. We are glad you found us Too !!
well, kinda wierd. Usually the seat light is the main one. But- after wiggling my butt, it will go on. Could move the seat, but couldn't figure out how to remove it to clean out debris without unbolting it. So decided to wait to get manual to see if I slide it and lift or whatever combo may work. Then, sometimes the valve light will go off. I hope to get an owners manual and repair manual tomorrow. I have to do the weld on bushing at the bucket/ hydraulic cylinder. I think that will be a breeze. But- my main concern is if I have the dipstick out and start it, it will pepper you with oil. I don't know how much is "acceptable". The dipstick is all messed up and the rubber doesn't give much of a seal, so quite a bit of oil collects dripping down into the bottom. that is why I started it with the dipstick out--to see how blowby there was. So how much is the norm?? 0? a little? a lot?? I can still probably get out of this deal being it belongs/belonged to a neighbor. He used it in his concrete biz, but it was stolen 2 yrs ago and the cops found it 2 wks ago. Supposed to go to the bobcat shop tomorrow to get the serial numbers and get new ID plates ordered. So- that being said, anyone want to give me advice?? And say I blow the motor. How about a ballpark overhaul on the motor? Sure ask a lot for a newbie-huh. Oh- all the lights, gauges and hr meter are gone. Where is the best place to get replacements? Auto parts house- bobcat dealer?? And while I am begging for advice, how about a rough value?? prob a 95 , but for sure a 763. sorry to ask so much. thanks--tjb
well, kinda wierd. Usually the seat light is the main one. But- after wiggling my butt, it will go on. Could move the seat, but couldn't figure out how to remove it to clean out debris without unbolting it. So decided to wait to get manual to see if I slide it and lift or whatever combo may work. Then, sometimes the valve light will go off. I hope to get an owners manual and repair manual tomorrow. I have to do the weld on bushing at the bucket/ hydraulic cylinder. I think that will be a breeze. But- my main concern is if I have the dipstick out and start it, it will pepper you with oil. I don't know how much is "acceptable". The dipstick is all messed up and the rubber doesn't give much of a seal, so quite a bit of oil collects dripping down into the bottom. that is why I started it with the dipstick out--to see how blowby there was. So how much is the norm?? 0? a little? a lot?? I can still probably get out of this deal being it belongs/belonged to a neighbor. He used it in his concrete biz, but it was stolen 2 yrs ago and the cops found it 2 wks ago. Supposed to go to the bobcat shop tomorrow to get the serial numbers and get new ID plates ordered. So- that being said, anyone want to give me advice?? And say I blow the motor. How about a ballpark overhaul on the motor? Sure ask a lot for a newbie-huh. Oh- all the lights, gauges and hr meter are gone. Where is the best place to get replacements? Auto parts house- bobcat dealer?? And while I am begging for advice, how about a rough value?? prob a 95 , but for sure a 763. sorry to ask so much. thanks--tjb
The BICS (Bobcat Interlock Control System) can be an easy fix. There is a push to overide kit that can be installed. I think the kit cost is around $ 125.00, but it sounds like the bottom of your seat is shot. Clean out under it and see what the seat switch looks like. The Engine, does it run even ?? If not consider pistons and rings. If it runs smooth, check to see if the breather tube is plugged, or if it smokes worst when you first start the engine, check the valve seals. If you are able to do a compression test, DO IT !! Ball park on the engine overhaul .... $ 2500.00- 3000.00 range. Sounds like that is about what it is worth too. If you could wake Mel up, he could give you a better idea :)
The BICS (Bobcat Interlock Control System) can be an easy fix. There is a push to overide kit that can be installed. I think the kit cost is around $ 125.00, but it sounds like the bottom of your seat is shot. Clean out under it and see what the seat switch looks like. The Engine, does it run even ?? If not consider pistons and rings. If it runs smooth, check to see if the breather tube is plugged, or if it smokes worst when you first start the engine, check the valve seals. If you are able to do a compression test, DO IT !! Ball park on the engine overhaul .... $ 2500.00- 3000.00 range. Sounds like that is about what it is worth too. If you could wake Mel up, he could give you a better idea :)
hey stu-- the engine does a little smoking at startup, but not really bad. And it runs pretty smooth. And pretty powerful, at least compared to the 753 I have been on for a while. ANd doesn't smoke much when under a real load. Didn't make the 1 hr drive to get manuals, so can I slide the seat out or have to unbolt?? I guess back to my main concern-the oil blowing out dipstick. I imagine if the breather tube is stopped up, it could cause my blowby problem out ofthe dipstick also-correct? And assume the tube will go to the valve cover. I will quit bugging you when I get manual, but I assume I will need to pop a head off the check valve seals?? Bummer about the 3k range because our deal is for 5k! Better talk fast if I am screwing up. I could lose 500$ I gave him as "good faith" money, but better to lose 500 than be paying 2k too much. Lay your thoughts on me!! gonna go out and start trying to check these things out. So chime on some more and thanks. tjb
hey stu-- the engine does a little smoking at startup, but not really bad. And it runs pretty smooth. And pretty powerful, at least compared to the 753 I have been on for a while. ANd doesn't smoke much when under a real load. Didn't make the 1 hr drive to get manuals, so can I slide the seat out or have to unbolt?? I guess back to my main concern-the oil blowing out dipstick. I imagine if the breather tube is stopped up, it could cause my blowby problem out ofthe dipstick also-correct? And assume the tube will go to the valve cover. I will quit bugging you when I get manual, but I assume I will need to pop a head off the check valve seals?? Bummer about the 3k range because our deal is for 5k! Better talk fast if I am screwing up. I could lose 500$ I gave him as "good faith" money, but better to lose 500 than be paying 2k too much. Lay your thoughts on me!! gonna go out and start trying to check these things out. So chime on some more and thanks. tjb
I watched a 763 sell on a sale a little over a year ago that was in fair cond. for just under $ 5000.00. I don't remember much more about it. If it runs smooth, and smokes more on start up, it might be the valve seals. 2 bolts on the front lower cab posts will tip the cab up, and then take the seat out.