Infrared Thermometer

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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2008
I was not sure where to post this. Sears has an infrared thermometer on sale this week; 4-14-08, Product # 50466 for $58.00. This is very handy for checking hydraulic fluid and component temeratures. It is a non contact, point and shoot. Just thought I would pass that on. Joe
Mines a different brand, but one of the best tools I ever bought.
Use it to tease my wife "Well.... Your hot tonight"
LOL. I have the same problem here at my house but could use the thermometer for my machine. Thanks for the tip.
It is a very useful tool, I used mine to tune the (2) carburetors on my car by checking the exhaust heat. If your bored and wanna have some fun with your cat or dog, run the laser beam around the floor and watch them chase it. I run mine up the the edge of the carpet and turn it off, they will dig under the carpet trying to find it. LOL