Fuel GPH for 773

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Dec 18, 2007
I'm working on setting my hourly rate for skidsteer work and haven't been able to find a fuel usage rate for my 2001 773 High Flow. I suspect it's around 1.5gph but that's only a guess. Does anyone here know approximately what it is or where I can find that information. I tried looking at the specs on the Bobcat web site but no luck. Thanks.
It depends on so many factors such as throttle setting, you aren't rinning the machine flat out all day and also load plays a big part too. When you load the engine down the govenor opens up the injector pump to push more fuel in. I think altitude would also play a part in it too.
At best you would get a guide, i remember a post some time ago in regard to this but i can't remember what the figure was.