cat 262b Problem

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Jul 30, 2007
I am new to the skidsteer thing and am having a problem with the lift system on this cat 262b skid. Bucket just fall to full tilt position as soon as I let off control joy stick. How do you activate self leveling? Could I have accidently engaged this feature? Any help would be great thanks in advance. John
I don't know much about Case machines but they are all basically the same in the way they operate.
Just how fast does the bucket tilt forward? If its kinda slow it could simply be bad seals in the rams. It could be the spool is out of adjustment causing it to fall down because its not centre. It could be load checks that hold the high pressure in place.
Even if this machine has self leveling it shouldn't tilt forward on its own.
I don't know much about Case machines but they are all basically the same in the way they operate.
Just how fast does the bucket tilt forward? If its kinda slow it could simply be bad seals in the rams. It could be the spool is out of adjustment causing it to fall down because its not centre. It could be load checks that hold the high pressure in place.
Even if this machine has self leveling it shouldn't tilt forward on its own.
Bucket tilts forward as if I was operating with the joystick. can raise bucket back up and it will fall again as soon as I let off stick. No leakage anywhere.
Bucket tilts forward as if I was operating with the joystick. can raise bucket back up and it will fall again as soon as I let off stick. No leakage anywhere.
pull the boot off of the joy stick i had a simaler problem on mine, except that it was the other stick it would go foward all the time. i drove mine off a bank and mashed the plunger to far down in the control. you can see it better with the boot off. there is no rebuilding the control you just have to replace the whole valve setup. could be the seal around the plunger in the piston, or even spool leaking in the main valve body
pull the boot off of the joy stick i had a simaler problem on mine, except that it was the other stick it would go foward all the time. i drove mine off a bank and mashed the plunger to far down in the control. you can see it better with the boot off. there is no rebuilding the control you just have to replace the whole valve setup. could be the seal around the plunger in the piston, or even spool leaking in the main valve body
also if it is leaking around the plunger in the cylender you won't be able to see it