Air Conditioning quit today, but I got it working

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
Today my air conditioning quit working right before lunch time (indicator light and the blower motor). Not a good day to quit. It was hot, humid, and smoky from the forest fires. First of all I didn't know where the fuse panel was and secondly I didn't have any spare fuses, so it had to wait until after quitting time. After I finished, I looked up the fuse panel location in the service manual. It's located in the panel in front of and below the operators seat (behind your calf when in the operators position). You also need a wrench or a socket to remove the cover. I found the fuse to be OK, so went elsewhere. All the connectors at the A/C compressor were also fine. I was just about to remove the door in preparation for tomorrow's work day without A/C. I decided to remove the panel with the A/C and blower controls as a last chance to find the problem. I then pushed the connectors all the way onto the switches and the A/C came back on. All the bouncing around on rough terrain must have caused the connector to come loose. Just a FYI in case you have a similar experience with an electrical problem.
Exactly the reason Bobcat Co. should endorse some sort of forum, hey, like this one! In order for most to figure out what to do, they'd have to take their machine into the dealer and wait for a diagnosis of what's wrong. But maybe, if it's a potentially common mistake, it'd be wiser for a user to simply post his ideas on the forum. (As you have here.) Thanks.
Exactly the reason Bobcat Co. should endorse some sort of forum, hey, like this one! In order for most to figure out what to do, they'd have to take their machine into the dealer and wait for a diagnosis of what's wrong. But maybe, if it's a potentially common mistake, it'd be wiser for a user to simply post his ideas on the forum. (As you have here.) Thanks.
As Team Fountain can attest to I am a modern day Cro- Magnon. I find that with 90deg plus temps and 80% humidity it feels just great at my whopping 7.5mph ground crawl. It is definately air conditioned less all the working parts and enclosure. Just kidding, my next machine will definately have an enclosed cab with heat and A/C. Every time I run Team Fountains T-300 I freeze because he has it cranked so high. I can't imagine cutting fire breaks without enclosure and A/C. Good info about trouble shooting.