75 xt park brake

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Jul 7, 2007
I have recently purchased a '03 75xt. For a few weeks after, the park brake would randomly come on. I would have to turn the key off and then start it again and the brake would be off. Now it is permanently on and i cant move it. I think it is something electrical and am wondering if i could somehow bypass the electrical to just get it loaded and taken in for service or if someone has any ideas on how to fix this problem.
I'm not sure how to by-pass it but it sounds like a seat or seat bar sensor.
I'm not sure how to by-pass it but it sounds like a seat or seat bar sensor.
i jumped both seat and lap bar sensors. The light indicators in the top right are on showing they work, so i think that it is something to do with the hydraulics that engage the brakes. I tried to put power to the solenoid located on the hydraulic block for the brakes hoping it would take them off but that didn't work either. Should just take it to a case dealer I guess.
i jumped both seat and lap bar sensors. The light indicators in the top right are on showing they work, so i think that it is something to do with the hydraulics that engage the brakes. I tried to put power to the solenoid located on the hydraulic block for the brakes hoping it would take them off but that didn't work either. Should just take it to a case dealer I guess.
Did you ever find out what the problem was? I have the same machine and have the same problem.