277C hydraulics; frustrating diagnosis simple fix

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Mar 21, 2022
I was operating my vibrator roller when all of a sudden the hydraulic lock out light illuminated and there were no hydraulics. The natural reaction is to expel an explicative from your mouth as this action will somehow fix the problem and if you are a really good troubleshooter more explicatives will erupt. After my my moment of enlightened trouble shooting I settled in to the assumption something had come loose. Naturally whatever it is will be the last thing one checks however much time that takes - always longer than expected and usually into the night.

After opening every conceivable door, lifting the cab, removing undercarriage plates and a few more explicatives I called a neighbor who has the software and computer to run a diagnostic. After plugging in and waiting for the readout he announced there were zero fault reading. Next step, start it up and see what is going on. Sooooo, he closed the door. started it up and his computer read the door was open. Bingo! The door safety switch was loose.

Lesson learned many years ago but not implemented due to my initial explicative diagnosis…check the simple things first. Vibrators and hammers will rattle everything loose.

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