Hey Destro: How much did it cost you when you took out the gas line? TomYou have to call the dig line ; thats what there called in B.C. They let you Know what lines are under ground. phone lines , gas lines etc... I made the mistake of not calling and took out a gas line. It be a good Idea to find out who to call in your erea .
I worked for a guy that ate a gas line to the tune of 10 grand in 1999 dollars....stay clear "most" gas and water and electric lines are marked with tape about a foot to two over them or at least supposed to be.....JeffHey Destro: How much did it cost you when you took out the gas line? Tom
Hi Tom ; It cost me $3000.00 .. It was friday night and there was over tome cost. I,ll be sure to make a call from now on. DESTRO .I worked for a guy that ate a gas line to the tune of 10 grand in 1999 dollars....stay clear "most" gas and water and electric lines are marked with tape about a foot to two over them or at least supposed to be.....Jeff
I have been in excavating business since 1973 and we have crossed every thing from TexasEastern oil lines and Fiberoptic lines from NY to Washington. There is no substitute to hand digging when there is any line to find. You are required by law to call for markout but that is NOT good enough. They make mistakes all the time. When you are working on residential sites and are with in 15 feet of curb there can be main lines such as gas,electri.water,phone.cable.sewer,storm sewer and can be ant where in 15 foot easment from curb. What many markout people forget to markout is the lines that come from the otherside of the street all the way across to your side to connect to the main under the curb or sidewalk. The first thing I need to do is locate myself the gas meter,water box,sewer,phone electric cable box from accross the street and see if it line up with my side of road. Another mistake the markout people do is locate and markout abanded lines such as old gas line and forget to mark out new gas lines. When ever I work on any building I go in the house / basement and scope out every utilitl line for myself. Dont trust anyone to tell you it is over there so dig hereHi Tom ; It cost me $3000.00 .. It was friday night and there was over tome cost. I,ll be sure to make a call from now on. DESTRO .
It's a craps shoot whenevr you're digging. About 5 years ago I was about to tear down a house that cught fire. The city required a permit to tear it down. But they would not relaes the permit to me until the utility companies had to give an all-clear. The city's "beeotch" in the permit department got a fax from the gas company but didn't bother to read it and wouldn't let me read it. She gave me the permit. The owner met me a t the porprty but my sixth-sense told me that the gas wasn't off. The owner loosened the gas meter pipe and it kept spewing gas. I told him something wan't right. The gas company was called and sure enough it WASN'T turned off and wasn't scheduled to be turned off for another two weeks! SO instead of digging up the line and disconnwecting from the main at the street, they only removed the meter from the house and put a small plastic pipe over the valve! And told me don't ruin the pipe! I tore down the house. Two weeks later I drive by the house lot and NOW they're digging up the supply at the main. I stoppd and asked them what they were doing telling them they were about two weeks too late. They smiled and said oh it was too cold a few weeks ago. I watched them pull the supply out of the main and plug it (and get this: gas is spewing out of the 8" main, he's smoking and tosses his LIT cigarette into the hole! Turns out it wouldn't catch fire unless it was about 6' higher than the hole--not enough oxygen in the hole he said!!).I have been in excavating business since 1973 and we have crossed every thing from TexasEastern oil lines and Fiberoptic lines from NY to Washington. There is no substitute to hand digging when there is any line to find. You are required by law to call for markout but that is NOT good enough. They make mistakes all the time. When you are working on residential sites and are with in 15 feet of curb there can be main lines such as gas,electri.water,phone.cable.sewer,storm sewer and can be ant where in 15 foot easment from curb. What many markout people forget to markout is the lines that come from the otherside of the street all the way across to your side to connect to the main under the curb or sidewalk. The first thing I need to do is locate myself the gas meter,water box,sewer,phone electric cable box from accross the street and see if it line up with my side of road. Another mistake the markout people do is locate and markout abanded lines such as old gas line and forget to mark out new gas lines. When ever I work on any building I go in the house / basement and scope out every utilitl line for myself. Dont trust anyone to tell you it is over there so dig here