The most stressfull and weird job I can think of is Team Fountains brothers new house. We were due to set his new multi-piece house on a poured foundation on a thursday. On wednesday I got a call from Tommy the brother to ask me to bring my machine and help. HE SOUNDED PANIKED!!!!. It turns out the front porch I backifilled 2 weeks before was 100% clay and by getting rained on, the hydraulic pressure of the water and clay pushed the entire front porch wall over into the basement. Mind you we have a 110 ton Leibehr crane and the house showing up at 9Am the next morning. So Tommy, Team Fountain and myself with machine cut hammerd and dug all to concrete and dirt out into the wee hrs of the morning to allow us to set lolly columns in place of the missing wall and allow the house to be set in the AM. I might also add an 864 is 79" wide and the opening into the basement was 80". Not much clearance and there were other lolly columns supporting all the other steel beams in your way and if I remeber they were @ 12' on center. So just enough room to back up turn slowly and take the load out. What a way to spend an evening till 2AM. Mission acomlished though.